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Tell me you've never used a platform without bot moderation without telling me you've never used a platform without bot moderation.

Simple example: Android has a airplane mode toggle in the notification tray, iPhone does not. No surprise that once I put my elderly family on iPhones all problems of accidently enabling airplane mode magically went away.

This type of comment gets downvoted because its right on the border of incoherent rambling. You say there's no ux difference for the elderly between iPhones and Androids, I say you're dead wrong. I've invariably become the IT guy for most of my extended family, and all of the elderly members found an iPhone easier to manage. Once I got one of them to switch, they convinced the rest.

Your argument is basically pure conjecture, everyone in the thread was talking about their personal experience with elderly family members. And your argument is there is no difference between the two devices, based on surveys for the usage percentage of TikTok? Are you kidding me? Has the thought not occured to you that elderly people might be a minority and outlier in such a survey?

Even granting that 90% of elderly screen time is spent watching TikTok, that does absolutely nothing to prove your claim that there is no difference between Android or iPhone for this purpose. Someone above mentioned a simple example of the differences between the two. Androids have an airplane mode toggle in their notification tray while iPhones don't. This is pretty much the sole reason for elderly Android users constantly turning on airplane mode, a problem which is almost nonexistent with iPhone users.

I'm saying that the difference between the UX of Android and iPhone for the purpose of watching free TV is small, while the difference between a real cable television subscription and an iPhone/Android phone is large. Frontend web developers have zero relevant experience that would give them some insight as to how to "design" "better" television.

I am not really talking about IT burden for your family or whatever, which I also think is erroneously attributed to UX. Of course, if you wanted to reduce your IT burden, you could just say, "No," and nothing bad would happen. They would figure things out.

> And your argument is there is no difference between the two devices, based on surveys for the usage percentage of TikTok?

Yes. I mean, isn't that the definition of form versus function? I'm trying to show you that the primary function of these devices is really, "Watch TikTok," which is a colorful way of saying, consume linear video content effortlessly. Everything else is dwarfed. Another POV is, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube all agree with me: they don't charge more to show ads to Android users compared to iOS users, they charge more for targeting and the size of that audience in unexpected ways, but not in a way that makes sense for, "iOS users are better." Even if I agree with you that they are!

What people observe is true: Do I think the aesthetic experience of an iPhone makes these normal educated people more confident in solving their problems themselves rather than asking you? Yes, but that's a different thing than UX. There are lots of grandmas using Samsung phones, and I think that's because Samsung, as a manufacturer, cares about the aesthetics more. Maybe not OUR grandmas, but grandmas everywhere else in the world.

> Has the thought not occurred to you that elderly people might be a minority and outlier in such a survey?

Elderly people definitely watch average, meaning LARGE, amounts of television. I think they are also going to be average users of TikTok. Everybody who touches TikTok likes it.

1. It's your notification tray, you know, the thing that's been default behavior of swiping down on smartphones since their inception. 2. It's not one side or the other either. It used to be that anywhere you swiped down opened the notification tray. Now only the right side has a different effect, opening control center. The notification tray still takes over two-thirds of the swipe-down space at the top.

Terribly ironic of you to want to divert library funds to homeless when the homeless are some of the most faithful users of libraries in major cities. Homeless aid organizations even base their programs around libraries.

Space Station 13 is a much deeper take on a similar premise.

This was one of the foundational points of Gnosticism in early Christianity. It's worth noting that this position is considered heresy by most of the major established branches of Christian tradition.

I can personally say that this single image would preclude me from recommending this platform to 95% of my social circle.

Do all the other illustrated books endorse the practice?

Like coloring books?

Yeah, I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek. What does it mean for a book to endorse making color illustrations of it's content? Why is the lack of endorsement for color illustrations in the Bible noteworthy when explicit endorsement for illustration is not really something we expect from any book.

You underestimate the amount of people who don't at all care whether or not their stroller goes splat as long as they're on asphalt they like the feel of.

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