YEAH! GOAAAALL FOR GERMANY! Compared to February 2014, new Tesla registrations have fallen by a whopping 76%. Only 1,400 Teslas were registered in total.
To put that into perspective: 1,400 units is the production capacity of their Factory in Germany PER DAY.
For February probably not, they might have cared less about the "Heil Musk" stuff than we in Europe did. I guess for March Canada however might make it to the top 5...
At least when it comes to Germany, I can clearly say: No, it's not. An employee of the Tesla dealer for the Frankfurt region told me that he's got "less than 10" people on his list to call once he has the new Model Y in the show room.
In the last couple of years the German automakers completely missed the trend towards EVs had only had a laughable product palette. This also causes them to close a lot of factories in Europe, and that is still happening right now.
But you have to keep in mind that the market for EVs is growing. So, once Tesla closes their factory, Volkswagen & Co will be more than happy to hire those workers.
And of course, with arson attacks on Tesla stuff becoming common over here, the factory might go up in flames soon, anyway.
I would think so. The demand is there, the factories are there, the supply chains are there. So if the European car makers now gain traction in the EV market, it would make sense to just re-cycle existing resources.
Depending on what 4G/LTE modem/chip your laptop it is using (it must be based on a Qualcomm SoC which 99% are), there are and I can share documents on how you can do the provisioning directly on the Laptop the SIM card is in.
The feature is present in the stock Qualcomm firmware bundle, but vendors like Quectel, Sierra etc may decide if they include the feature or not.
I know this because it is on our dev team To-Do List to implement that for a Linux daemon :)
PhD student here, working on 5G systems. I too would be very interested in this. Email in my profile - and am happy to link you to my academic email once you've reached out if you want to confirm my academic credentials :)
I hope I am not overhyping this. It's just some source code and documentation. And meanwhile I found out that the libqmi team also is already working on an implementation, so none of this may be needed.
To make the source code work in a general fashion with most Qualcomm modems you might have lots of work to do.
Also, as mentioned: It's up to the vendor to decide if they keep the LPA eSIM support in their firmware, or remove it, or disable this in QMI. Sierra Wireless for example for long was known to throw most stuff out because their flash else would not have had enough space for both the PCIe MBIM and USB QMI firmware they needed to implement, so tons of stuff is missing in their QMI.
For some vendors you will need some magic commands to enable some SIM-related features.
So please don't be disappointed if this turns out to be of no use. It's just a fragment that may be able to help solving a puzzle, or maybe not.
The key issue here now is: The future, freedom, international policy etc of you US guys no longer depends on democratic structures in ANY way whatsoever.
Who pays Trump most, wins. Who does what Musk wants, wins.
From what I know, there is no second Oligarch-run corrupt country that would come close to this. This is worse than China and Russia combined.
Sorry, not meant to bash our US HN friends at all, just an observation from another western country targeted by MuskTrump that has yet to follow the US lead (which they will), so we still have some time left to be in shock and awe about what is going on on your side of the pond for a while.
Commenting on your own posts sucks, but let me add:
The current status of insanity is that the US is threatening to invade a EU country by force to annex it to be able to exploit natural resources and gain a strategic military position.
Again, let me repeat, as very clearly a lot of people are now completely numb to insanity and just filter it out:
Was US Headlines for one day, now drowned in other madness already.
Anyway, you won't have any democratic say on this anyway, so let's just gamble:
Jeff Yass will bribe Trump heavily, and Trump will then lift the ban next week, no matter what his Supreme Court sock puppets want.
Kids are shown weapons everywhere. They are afraid to watch news and therefore only consume "news" from socical media, which we made an AI shithole and threat to a civilized society. They see how we have in large parts poisoned or destroyed large parts of their planet. They have to get drilled to learn how to get not shot in school shootings or elsewhere.
And yet people think that the urgent problem to care for our kids is them finding out about people making love on the Internet?
Matter of definition. Stuff on most porn sites is at least consensual.
My point is: Seriously and honestly talk to a kid these days. Or read detailed reports on where the suicide rates in young peoples are sourced in.
Even porn where whatever a granny dressed up as a horse is pissing into someone else's mouth. Might be very troubling to a teen trying to understand their sexuality. Surely not a good start as sex ed.
But that's still a far cry from kids seeing people killing each other FOR REAL.
Talk to the kids. Porn is nowhere near the Top 10 of what's causing their anxieties and depressions.
This is grown-ups taking their standard route: Let's not change anything of relevance, but instead let's put a useless ban on something that won't go away by a ban, anyway.
- Wake up
- Grab a coffee and two cigarettes
- Go take the big pile of pills "against" depression and autism
- Read some world news
- Get some more pills
- Take a shower, thinking about killing myself, but telling myself "pills will start working in 20 minutes"
- Get another coffee and another two cigarettes until second batch of pills kick in
- Start coding
Yep, I've adopted that mentality. Finally. I wish it hadn't taken me so, so long. My wife even commented that I'm much less on-edge, much less prone to find the negative in things. It's sort of like a switch inside of my brain has been welded permanently to the off position, it's pretty wild how it only takes 2-3 weeks for the brain to sort itself out after many years of being stuck in some cycle.
I haven’t watched/read the news in years and I feel so liberated from it.
When something worth knowing happens, I still hear about it. But not consuming news gives me the space I need to think independently about things from the influences of mass produced media.
It’s beautiful
yeah been off that as long as the news. reddit, HN, github, & usenet are my social now which is funny because only 1 or 2 actual friends probably even know about these sites. i am waiting for aim to make the big come back! I only go on socsh every blue moon for a couple friends that refuse to communicate on anything else and to see pictures of all my cousins and their families -usually around the holidays to spell check their names. haha.
Basically, yeah. I find that the aggregation here is a dozen cuts above what I can find elsewhere and the "news" is tends to be things that are at least tech adjacent and when they're not they're genuinely "newsworthy."
Yeah, I don’t frequent many websites. I go on Facebook occasionally intermittently, but go through phases where I deactivate it. I also go on my university website for my online learning but I don’t go on many websites.
I recently dropped $99 to get the Financial Times delivered to my door six days a week. If something truly important happens, I'll have the chance to read about it. But I can't doomscroll for hours.
Doesn't work for me. I feel much safer tracking the disintegration of civilization in real-time, making predictions based on that information, and adapt the timing of my escape plans accordingly. So I must newspapers from all around the world every morning, even if it's painful.
I have to admit though: Yesterday I cheated. On new years morning I skipped all world news to beat 2025 to it, delaying the inevitable by a day. Worked well, as it turns out. And I wasn't too smelly due to it, either :)
Very off-topic here, but no, money is not the key when trying to find a spot on this planet that nobody does have on their radar when it comes to fucking up the planet on short notice :)
Also: Different people, different coping strategies. I don't want to wait until the "Active Shooter!" cell broadcast message finds its way to my phone. :)
For some people, potentially especially those on the spectrum, having as much information as possible to work with might bring mental security and stability.
I'm also on team Keep An Eye On Things™, and approximately none of it really feeds into an anxiety loop. (There's a tiny sliver of the pie that does, but it's easy enough to talk myself off that ledge and go engage in a Weltschmerzspaziergang[0].)
I know it's stuff I can't control, and that's sort of the point. I want to know what I can't control so that I can know what I can control, if that makes sense.
Closely tracking things you can not control may provide a sense of control to some.
Or the other way round: Crunching enough data and building reasonable predictions based on that takes away the element of surprise, and the element of surprise for some translates to anxiety.
For me the only things that scare me are in the "I have no data on that" category.
It's all part of the actuarial mindset. The entire point of the exercise is to arrive at a model of reality that has some degree of predictive power.
> For me the only things that scare me are in the "I have no data on that" category.
I feel exactly the same way. It means that I have no idea what those things will wind up costing me, and that's the anxiety trigger as far as I'm concerned.
Genuinely interested what the downvoters find offensive or unreasonable about me having a coping strategy that works for preventing me to kill myself...?
After all, I am not criticizing those who have different coping strategies to protect their mental health, including to keep world news at distance. That just does not work for ME.
Civilization might not be disintegrating, but we sure are living in “interesting times” compared to the life two or three decades ago. It definitely feels worse, so I can empathize. I certainly struggle with home affordability, or lack thereof. Plus other things but home ownership is a big one.
Maybe you’re better off financially and emotionally, so you find it sophomoric - like a parent looking at a kid in high school struggling with their emotions.
While I do think wealth inequality is a big issue of our time, I don't think it is an issue of civilizational level disintegration -- that would look like the total amount of wealth in our society decreasing, which by all accounts doesn't seem to be happening.
While I'm far from rich, I have done well the last couple years after many years of being poor. But even when I was poor I looked around and saw lots of people who were wealthy and doing well, which I took as a general measure of how society was doing, instead of using my own situation or those in my immediate circle as a measure of that.
Refining the ideas behind pasta, noodles, lasagna to create a simple dish for reliably ending hunger across the world. I came up with the unique name "french fries" all by myself!!1
(this document is a first draft, and is not intended to be implemented in its current form. But I am posting my trivial 5 minutes write-up with a click-bait title to Hackernews, anyway.)
In case you really have two eyes pointing in a single direction, you should see an oculist urgently. Mine are doing a perfect 3D picture. Also, unlike the eyes of my Tesla which becomes blind when it rains, or if there is any light reflection, I can still see things.
Also, should your eye cameras be in fixed position, you even more urgently should see a doctor. Mine can be turned 180° on the X-axis, and 120° on the Y-axis.
And finally: My eye cameras have working high-speed auto-focus, HDR, are protected against rain or snow, can operate at very low ISO, and have retina resolution.
The worst thing about my Tesla are the phantom brakes and "emergency lane assist" function (which should be called "steer into opposing traffic for no reason". If I forget to turn those off before starting, my ride will be pure horror.
LIDAR probably would help to make Phantom Brakes happen less often, simply because there would be another info source for "is there REALLY an object that is dangerous to me?".
Those who say that FSD is "pretty good" are living in a fantasy world. There is hard data on miles between critical disengagements (which really should be called "if the driver doesn't respond within a fraction of a second, people will die"), and depending on region, model, weather etc it's between 13 and 115 miles right now.
Over here in Germany there are statistics that a human driver will have the equivalent every 155,000 miles.
"Pretty good" just doesn't cut it when it's about the risk of killing people.
My Model 3 right now detects about 60-70% of school children crossing the road (keep in mind roads in Germany are narrow, and humans including kids are using the roads, too). 30%-40% of those I would kill every morning on my way to the office.
And the thing is: 70% isn't enough for this, 80% isn't, 90% isn't, 99% isn't, and 99,999% isn't.
Side note: People constantly claim that Waymo is autonomous. It's as autonomous as a tram. They only work because it the cities they operate every single road they use have been mapped by hand and is constantly updated. Send a Waymo into my city over here, and will also kill a couple of kids per day. Years ahead of Tesla? Yes. Good enough? Hell no.
Looking around at the percentage of drivers around me on the road with their face looking at a phone, while moving, is probably in excess of 5%. These people won't see the kids crossing the road, either.
It's good that more and more countries are following the EU's lead here. I guess in a couple of years, maybe after North Korea has decided to also force Apple and Google to stop running app store monopolies, the US will also take action.
I know that everybody got used to this, but please remind yourself: You have BOUGHT the phone. It is yours. You own it. It's your decision, and your decision only what software you want to install on it. The current status is not normal.
What really blows my mind about all this is how long are we expected to give our computing over to corporation? 100 years? 200? A thousand? In 500 years will people be running some personal OS cobbled together from a shared heritage or will we be stuck with one mega-corp running it all. It's sort of dystopian what we have now.
Right now the high score appears to be:
- Australien: -72% - China: -50% - Denmark: -48% - France: -45% - Norway: -44% [1]
I really really hope my home country Germany can make it to #1.
[1] Press releases have reported a 70% drop, but the numbers do not back this up. Maybe it's 70% drop in market share.