I tried Gleam for advent of code. Love the types, but the standard library needs desperately something along "lazy sequences" (elixir streams) and every os call should support that.
It was too hard to figure out through unmaintained packages
Restaurants is a few places where a tablet is a godsend. Children aren't always involved in adults conversations, so they get (obviously) bored at the table. A tablet guarantees some time off to the parents.
Now obviously is a problem if you go to the restaurant often, in our case it's once every few months and having them watching a movie makes going to the restaurant possible again (we waited 6 years before we could)
>Restaurants is a few places where a tablet is a godsend. Children aren't always involved in adults conversations, so they get (obviously) bored at the table. A tablet guarantees some time off to the parents.
as a fellow restaurant patron : I don't care that your kid is bored or if you can't afford a baby-sitter -- what I do care about is listening to the latest baby shark or whatever other youtube-brainrot-babysitter-program blaring near me while I'm trying to eat my linguini.
When I was younger if you brought a loud/obnoxious kid to dinner at a restaurant it was a sign that either you were inexperienced as parents or too poor to afford a baby-sitter (which then raises questions about eating out..), or otherwise didn't give a fuck about appearances or anyone else near you.
Also : not all kids are bored by what adults are doing, and a big part of getting good at those kind of conversations and 'adult actions' later in life is fueled by social mimicry and third party practice; to dismiss all children from such activities by directing their attention towards whatever the closest thing that minimizes parenting time and effort is , imo, likely damaging.
But, at the end of the day I gotta throw my arms up and say "Well, i'm not a parent." -- but it just seems obvious to me as a bystander that this level of forced autonomy and independence for smaller children reduces any chance that a kid will say "Mom, what does that word you just used mean?" and actually learn something from a novel experience. It reduces the amount the kids will read the faces of strangers and make social decisions. It reduces the chance that a kid will make a social faux pas slip and require corrections preventing it in the future.
It does, however, keep a kid busy , often annoying everyone else, while you gossip. I'm not sure that's supposed to be the end goal here.
Children don't get the tablet immediately, they eat without the tablet and get it when they are done, so there is plenty of time to chat, with opportunities for talking with the adult.
That being said, everything you say makes sense, but the reality is if you don't get a break every couple of months for a few hours, the parents don't perform, so from my perspective they (and myself) get a pass for the tablet.
As for the volume, they can lower it? I'm very careful making sure the volume is low, but I guess some people aren't careful.
This also assumes the children don't spend time with the parents. The parents could be spending many hours with the children so whatever happens at the restaurant is very small in the big picture.
That's totally fine.
My children get plenty of boring time, sometimes they get creative, sometimes they do not.
When they are creative, their creation is not always compatible with the environment (too noisy, too active).
Not all children like drawing either. Tablet is consistent, which is helpful when going to a restaurant.
Just to be clear, I use tablet only as a tv, I don't allow any games, too many exploits child's mind.
If I went more often to the restaurant, it would make sense to have different activities though, you are right. We go maybe once every 2-3 months, so the tablet was acceptable.
It has become way too expensive eating out.
Eating anything with a spoon is way harder, I tested it. Essentially gravity forces you to eat with the spoon in a position that's not the one you are used to.
Don't tell me chatbots for first line support. Those existed before and are still terrible