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I've found that small amounts of psilocybin mushrooms appear to calm me and allow me to "get in the zone" a lot better, as well as radically increase my creativity. I also found that low-dose MDMA, taken after eating, dramatically increased my focus and productivity while somewhat dulling my creativity. I've never tried LSD or Ketamine though.

How does that matter?

What happens to us is out of our control, what we have is out of our control, it's pointless for one to concern himself with what he doesn't have. It's self-evident that the most one person can do is all that person can do, and it seems reasonable that the highest ideal a person can aim for is doing all they can do. Our lives are what we do, it's everything we do. Luck doesn't control our lives, we do.

We can only control our actions, but what happens around us is outside our control. The best we can do is try to influence it, but even that is limited to those within our immediate vicinity. At some point, we must learn to let go and stop trying to control something we have limited control over. I am reminded of the Buddhism teaching that we have expectations in life and when those expectations are not being met, we suffer. Simply do your best, and accept whichever outcome.

  Consider being dropped into another nation where they speak a language you have no knowledge of. Without shared language and culture, you can't hope to be understood.

  Doesn't mean you can't be surrounded by helpful, caring people (friends?), though, which is why this argument is completely flawed
Upon considering the scenario you described, my first thoughts were on how lonely an experience that would be. Also, helpful and caring people that don't understand what's wrong can't provide very effective support.

Upon considering the scenario you described, my first thoughts were on how lonely an experience that would be.

That's the point. You can't be understood to a gratifying degree by people who don't share your culture, and simple words aren't going to fix the disconnect.

helpful and caring people that don't understand what's wrong can't provide very effective support.

If you saw someone from another country looking starved and miserable, you couldn't buy them food and direct them to shelter?

Loneliness means anything from not having enough people to chat with today to not having a soulmate who understands and affirms your every view.

What desire does a platform like Twitter have for spam? We have laws that prevent people from uttering threats. Twitter has rules against spam.

It's their platform and they want their users to be free in their discourse, they just don't want spam.

Or `make`


Would you mind explaining why nuclear is not ideal?

I can give two reasons:

1. A wind farm is built by a private company in order to make a profit selling cheap electricity. A nuclear plant is built with vast amounts of taxpayers money to sell expensive electricity.

2. Nuclear is not dispatchable. That means you need natural gas turbines, hydro or batteries on your grid to provide it. Something that's glossed over by the nuclear fans.

> 2. Nuclear is not dispatchable.

This is not an intrinsic limitation. Naval nuclear reactors can power up to meet demand very rapidly. Civilian nuclear reactors aren't built like this for various reasons, including gas turbines just being cheaper for this purpose.

Naval nuclear reactors use HEU and are horrifically expensive even compared to civilian ones.

Additionally when your capital and fixed O&M costs are higher than renewables with the same net power + batteries, then the costs of your peaking energy skyrocket even further.

Far better to build less nuclear + storage. And then realise that the generation doesn't need to be nuclear in most places.

It takes 10 years to build

10 years? You're being generous here. Flamanville has been under construction since 2007, so at least 15 years for construction itself, and anything from 5-10 years for planning, acquiring land, relocation...

The best time to start building a nuclear power plant is 20 years ago; the second best time is today.

No, the best time is to spend the first mover costs on renewables in the 50s through 70s instead and then never build nuclear (or in the 1910s instead of spending them on coal and oil). The second best time is to build renewables now that those costs have been paid over the last 20 years.

No. The best time today is used for building out absurd amounts of renewable power - use geothermal for base load and wind/solar for peak load.

The long timelines and high costs of nuclear in the US have very little to do with the limits of the technology.

Mjhay is correct. Anti-nuclear activists have successfully managed to use the government to stop nuclear energy construction for decades. It is entirely a political problem, not a technical one.

Please, excuse me. But, what?! I honestly cannot make out what you're trying to reference.

I'm referring to the money printer that hid most problems plaguing corporate America. Why would shareholders care about mismanagement when their shares were going up 10x regardless?

I think the ??? was about your use of the word “now”

I think the ideas that the money in printer is broken. now when the tide goes out we will see who is not wearing any bathing suits

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