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First they copy our intellectual property, and now our flossing techniques!

Me too, although if its a lightweight helper you can ditch down the line its normally not an issue

Switched to GCP Cloud Run.. but do miss the Heroku CLI sometimes

For anyone who really digged Heroku's CLI experience, fly.io is particularly strong in this area, I find. The ability to just deploy in a single command from any directory was a huge draw for me (even Render requires you deploy from a git repo - a best practice, sure, but I like the option).

Got too much fighting time with .yml configs on Fly, deploy from git is must have nowadays.

Yeah, I see it from both sides. I lean towards being an independent developer doing a lot of prototyping so I like Fly's tolerance of quicker, less strict practices in this regard. Not had any problems with fly.toml so far, but my apps are relatively simple.

What CLI…? Just set up continuous deploy from GitHub from the Cloud Run UX itself. It’ll create a Cloud Build trigger for you and deploy every time you push to your desired branch.

time to make a coffee

Seems like a cool idea until i read "A 3% service fee is applied".

Why do you think 3% is expensive? let's say, you are paying 100$ bill, it's only 3$ for that invoice.

What's my fee when I use a credit card? As a consumer? As a business?

there is no currently possibility to pay with credit card, if that was your question

To be fair, the previous names were also jokes like Gobble Gobble / Trick of Treat etc, so i wouldn't assume its something to be taken seriously!



Being 40 shouldn't be an issue, however there are a few things to keep asking yourself to stay relevant on the way:

-- What is your goal?

If you don't know where you're going, the chances are your career trajectory could be plateauing, or even going backwards.

-- Are you progressing?

Pick a metric aligned with your goal and then measure yourself against it (e.g what you can measure, you can manage). Whether its specializing technically or moving vertically into management, its really important to keep moving in that direction, and to ensure that you are "compounding" your skills and successes along the way.

-- Are your skills transferable?

At all costs, ensure your skills are transferable. This will give you endless options and freedom to take breaks and move companies at will. NEVER allow yourself be the highly paid person on an obsolete project/system, not even for a year.

Site down :-)

Lots of people want their key discipline to be the centre of the universe, you see it across designers, content creators, engineers, testers etc.. The key to any team in my experience is to have a healthy mixture of specialists (narrow scope, high resolution) and polyglots (wide scope, lower resolution), and to promote collaboration as much as possible..

I've used encfs with google drive for about 3 years now, I would love to see better client-side encryption tools out there targeted at cloud storage, but cannot see where CryFS offers much over encfs in this space.

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