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It seems to have trouble with long skinny shapes, I had one that would keep moving and occasionally flip over

Regarding the package maintenance item, that is just an example of something that was right for the author, not a suggestion for the general public. It was something they found useful, used regularly, and happened to be unmaintained. This put them in a position to make a meaningful contribution, beyond padding their work portfolio. This is the whole point of #1. You are in a better position to understand the flaws in software you use, and you have a vested interest in fixing them. Picking a random bug on a random project isn't going to give you the same insight.

There is a distillery in Cambridge UK that makes a gin flavoured with formic acid from ants: https://cambridgedistillery.co.uk/products/anty-gin

It's expensive, but the taste isn't really distinctive (unlike their truffle gin, which is very unusual).

It states pretty clearly that two people died.

It's bs.

It's well known that uncooked/undercooked morels can cause this. Food poisoning is not this rare thing that happened to hit this crummy place in Montana. It's non-news.

Frist, should probably put the ship on a solar escape trajectory, so that physically intercepting it would be more difficult with time, and likely require a technological leap to accomplish. It would also be nice to have the ship on a trajectory as far away from the plane of the ecliptic as you can, to minimize occlusion and time variation based on the earth's orbit.

Next, instead of pre-seeding the ship with keys, you have it generate them (using its RTG for both power and a source of entropy) and send them back to earth at a fixed rate, possibly with the size of the keys increasing over time.

On earth, when you want to encrypt a payload to be decrypted at a future date, you calculate how many round trips it would require, then encrypt the data with that many keys from the stream, interleaved with keys generated locally. As the time will unlikely be an exact round trip time (which is ever-increasing), each end can delay the decrypt and re-transmission for some proportion of the remaining time.

I have a 2018 model x with a traditional wiper dial stalk and it almost never works. It has markings for 5 settings and most of the time it just ignores the setting you have it on. The auto setting doesn't seem to change the behaviour at all. My model 3 was annoying with the wipers on the touchscreen (mostly) but at least they worked consistently.

Love all the slow motion video, where they done look ridiculously unbirdlike.

https://evridesllc.com/ is in Oregon and offers replacements and upgrades. My mom bought a used leaf from them with a 75 mile range and she's been pretty happy with it.

I'm probably bad at writing prompts, but in my limited experience, I spend more time reviewing and correcting the generated code than it would have taken to write it myself. And that is just for simple tasks. I can't imagine thinking a llm could generate millions of lines of bug free code.

Asking GPT to do a task for me currently feels like asking a talented junior to do so. I have to be very specific about exactly what it is I'm looking for, and maybe nudge it in the right direction a couple of times, but it will generally come up with a decent answer without me having to sink a bunch of time into the problem.

If I'm honest though I'm most likely to use it for boring rote work I can't really be bothered with myself - the other day I fed it the body of a Python method, and an example of another unit test from the application's test suite, then asked it to write me unit tests for the method. GPT got that right on the first attempt.

That’s where I am too. I think almost everyone has that “this is neat but it’s not there yet” moment.

> I think almost everyone has that “this is neat but it’s not there yet” moment.

I rather have this moment without the “this is neat” part. :-) i.e. a clear “not there yet” moment, but with serious doubts whether it will be there anytime in the foreseeable future.

It seems like the problem is with your view of everyone based on a n=1 experiment. I've been shipping production-ready code for my main job for months saving hundreds of work/hours.

Personally, for me this flow works fine AI does the first version -> I heavily edit it & debug & write tests for it -> code does what I want -> I tell AI to refactor this -> tests pass and the ticket is done.

This is very similar to my experience. For example, I can visualise 3 stacked poker chips, and I can move than around and restack them. But if I try to make them different colours, I can't, similar to how I might keep track of real ones with me eyes closed. I can remember the blue one is on top, but if I start rotating them, taking the bottom one out and putting it on top, I quickly lose track of which one is which.

I also feel like songs I replay in my head (which I do constantly, and without a choice in the song) have very high fidelity.

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