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> Reading the rest of the thread, you HN'ers are very blessed to be ignorant that such a program exists.

By this logic pretty much every single person in existence is "blessed to be ignorant" of the thousands (more?) of potential ailments they aren't facing right now. Seems like a silly POV.

Yes? I don't see a problem with this line of reasoning.

> Anything can be changed.

Take that a step further; everything is change, quite literally.

Lauren Olamina is that u

Full quote for those unfamiliar because it's so good:

"All that you touch, You Change.

All that you Change, Changes you.

The only lasting truth is Change.

God is Change."

Never upvote posts. I upvote comments, though my bar for upvoting is embarrassingly higher than my bar for dishing out downvotes.

For a time, I tried modifying my behavior by hiding downvote links on via a Stylus CSS:

  [title=downvote] {
    display: none
I had an already high upvote:downvote ratio, but this made me even more conscious of the few times I bothered to downvote a comment (because it meant I had to take extra steps to disable that CSS). I mostly only downvote for flamebait or outrageously unproductive comments.

The copy on this page is just choking on itself.

> To picture a Chat, imagine if your group texts and your Instagram Stories met at the park, talked for hours, became best friends and fell in love. 9 months later, they gave birth to a new way of keeping in touch – one that lets you hear your friends’ voices, meet their friends, and spend less time typing. If “social messaging” were a thing, that’s what it would be.


If I’m reading that right they basically made google wave on mobile. Not the worst idea if executed right

It seems they've pivoted to something few people on HN are likely to use. Does anyone here use instagram stories? So maybe this appeals to their target demographic?

> Does anyone here use instagram stories?

This is the most common social media for people under 40 in the US, very self evident if you have a social group of all ages and have used all major apps.

I don't use stories but I often use their Reels feature. There are some great shorts there, it really reminds me of the Vine days.

You should try tiktok. It's great.

I've tried it, the algorithm doesn't really work for my interests for some reason. Reels nails it though.

Did they actually use “getting pregnant on the first date” as what they want to emulate?

It seems like that, but I don’t know the gestation period for social media sites. Is it nine months?

I don't interpret "met at the park, talked for hours, became best friends and fell in love" as all taking place on the first date?

Influencers & content creators. They are driving massive usage and community around gambling.

Because they are all trying to profit. Via affiliate marketing commissions or by selling picks (or software to make picks).

HOV lanes for 1+ passenger cars.

The book "The War of Art" themes this out nicely for creative pursuits in particular.

Big fan of you guys.

Broadly - conversions that you can validate. It's kind of that simple. Depends on the channel, as well. For LI and FB/IG, have tight targeting, tighter tracking, and really really good creative. As long as I'm making more than I spend, there's something there. Every now and then we turn off our ads for a month or so and analyze traffic and sales to make sure those ads aren't capturing leads that would've come in organically. Advertising is work - you have to constantly investigate and experiment and optimize and refresh. Then do it all over again when that particular well runs dry.

Me. Every single worry or concern is made in the mind. Continually grasping this and putting into practice every week.

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