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it absolutely fails at doing real world stacking. it cannot figure out how to stack a car, keyboard, and glass of water.

For free integrate back into stack overflow. there are tons of questions that never get answered. This also provides a public forum for that response to be corrected and provided feedback. symbiosis.

By definition, aren't those difficult questions to answer? Is there any reason to think the LLMs would succeed where humans have failed? I mean, I'm sure they would produce some output...but is a misleadingly-incorrect answer better than no answer to a thorny obscure question?

Well the least they could do imo would be to post or comment that a question is a duplicate of another or link to the top voted answer. Similar to how users on HN post links to "on going discussion threads" for duped posts. Its grunt work that these bots should at least be able to regurgitate or find easily.

Also theres a chance these LLMs have access to other tech forums in addition to stack overflow and could possibly provide a solution. For example GitHub has actually been the better source for me when debugging issues. Usually you can go to the repo and search the issues and read comments with solutions or workarounds.

But aside from that i am in agreeance with you that these bots will struggle to provide new, non regurgitated answers and could potentially cause more harm than good

Probably both, but note that a lot of areas only show down to 115kv which excludes all the distribution lines that feed homes and businesses.

Yes and no, 1200km charged in 10 mins is somewhere around 1MW of peak load. that's manageable and readily available using off the shelf distribution equipment, but it is a lot. The equipment is by no means cheap and large charging sites would almost always require upstream distribution and transmission upgrades, but this is something utilities are planning for. I suspect we'll also start to see on site energy storage to help offset the demand charges that these sites could see.

Amazon appears to have sent mass e-mails out to unsuspecting customers, thanking them for their gift card purchases. All customers received the same e-mail mastercard, hotels.com, and Google Play store.

To be honest, I'd start with some introduction to Transformer YouTube videos. They'll cover a lot of these terms and you'll then have a better understanding to find additional resources.

The third is right out malice towards the institute they criticize and are using this platform to spread misinformation.

Tether is used for the purchase of other cryptocurrency (i.e. creates demand). If more Tether has been created then dollars burned, then there has been artificial demand generated for cryptocurrency. Artificial demand, artificial prices. I think sometimes Tether's affect on the market is blown out of proportion, but it could have cooling effect on the trustworthiness of cryptocurrency and then exchanges used to facilitate trades.

I can't tell if this is being facetious. who cares about the past, when we're still supporting the Saudi's war on Yemen, causing an ongoing famine, or ratcheting up embargoes on Venezuela when their food chain is breaking.

I'm not arguing this is not a good thing for the US to recognize, but please.

I totally agree about Yemen -- Biden made noises early on about ending support but so far hasn't done much, as far as i know.

It makes me think of the billions that flooded into fiber optic networks to arbitrage the information asymmetry between markets across geographic areas. Maybe we'll be thanking these defunct Bitcoin farmers for invesing so much into the grid. I know the utilities are forcing the farms to put up all the money to tie into the grid. I guess this goes the same goes for the demand for silicon fab.

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