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At Promyze, we use Slack for IM and Notion for non-tech documentation. For tech knowledge, we dogfood our own tool.

Interesting! what kind of tools are you guys built and using for tech knowledge base?


We're building a collaborative platform to gather and share best coding practices.

In short, it helps us highlight code snippets from the IDE (JetBrains, Visual Studio, VS Code), discuss them in Slack (or MS Teams or Discord or Mattermost), and document them with contextual examples.

> Focus on benefits not features

It really depends on your audience. If you're building a developer tool, it's always features over benefits.

why What do I care bout features if I don't get why I should care about it

+1 Dell XPS


Out of curiosity, why don't you launch on Product Hunt?

Feels too niche. I doubt there are more than 50k potential users online for such product, and they are even more unlikely to be visiting ProductHunt.

I am considering to expand the same concept though to other frameworks, so maybe then.

> Currently, I'm using the company blog and distributing content through other channels, but it's not working out.

It could be for different reasons. One alternative would be to submit your blog post ideas to existing publications. Then cross-post them to your own domain. Always own your content.

Also, I'd recommend dev.to and/or Hashnode instead of Medium -- both platforms have a more developer-friendly reading experience (i.e. dark mode support).

IMHO HN is about problem-solving as a process. Other platforms are about product ideas as a result.

This makes a lot of sense

> if you mean for onboarding a new software developer (both to your org and the practice of software development as a job)

In addition, I'd recommend:

Read and acknowledge the coding standards and best coding practices.

An efficient onboarding process on best coding practices would definitively save you time for your first code reviews with your team.

For example, at Promyze, we set up “Discovery Workshops,” some interactive coding challenges to discover/learn our best coding practices with concrete code snippets from the codebase.

The concept is simple:

- We built a list of best practices we want to introduce,

- We select for each practice some examples and counter-examples from the practice documentation,

- Then, each new team member will have to find in the source code where some best practices have been followed or not.

This really helps make onboarding and work more productive -- and fun.

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