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> Have distros gone back to having "/usr/bin/python" available (as opposed to "python3" or something else)?

Debian provides two packages python-is-python3 and python-is-python2 to restore the /usr/bin/python.

And will likely remain with that major version for the next 20 years since Perl 6 became Raku.


There will be a Perl 7[1], essentially Perl 5.32 with a new name.

[1] https://www.perl.com/article/announcing-perl-7/

Those are usually connection and no-data timeouts. A total time limit is in my experience less common.

No, because dict_put will update the limit value if the new pos exceed it.

I don't see anything like what you are describing. What line exactly are you talking about?

Isn't JavaScripts regex one of the worst modern regex implementations?

They seem to improve. Negative lookbehind isn't missing anymore [1]. But still lack the handy \Q and \E to escape stuff [2].

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/a/3950684

[2] https://stackoverflow.com/q/6318710

It does, but express doesn't tell it directly in the docs.

Instead http://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#app.listen sends you to https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_server_listen which also won't give the answer but sends you to https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#serverlisten which at some points finally documents that default is

Welcome to the JavaScript ecosystem :/

I wouldn't exactly call this a failure of the JS ecosystem. The Express documentation you've linked to mentions that the host is the (optional) second argument to the listen function:

> app.listen([port[, host[, backlog]]][, callback])

You literally just have to run:

  app.listen(3000, '')
If you don't trust the network you're on you should just be explicit about which IP address you'd like to listen on.

That's a sensible default. It would be super frustrating if by default the web server you built couldn't be accessed by anyone else in your network.

The first time my mother encountered a toggle she tried to actually slide it. I also once saw a website which replaced in a redesign checkboxes with toggles where the cursor changes to a "grab hand" but of cause you cannot grab and slide them need to click it. Imo it is not intuitive that you have to click toggles and they magically start sliding but you cannot slide them.

I've encountered many toggle switches where you can grab the knob and drag it, but just clicking it will toggle it too. Sometimes the cursor has changed to a pointing hand.

If I think of square checkboxes I think of sharp corners. Maybe I should write an article "In Loving Memory of sharp corners" because I definitely miss them but they seem to be extinct from the modern Web and GUI in general. If I skim the article only old screenshots contain sharp corners. None of the new once.

I have a browser where I configured "border-radius: 0 !importent" as userContent.css for fun. Was sometimes surprised how much it is used. Especially how many circles are today actually boxes with a large border radius.

> Especially how many circles are today actually boxes with a large border radius.

HTML is all about rectangles. If you want circles, your choices are a straightforward CSS border-radius, or an SVG <circle>. And let me tell you, if you can just slap style="border-radius:50%;overflow:hidden" onto an <img>, or faff around with <svg>, <image>, <clipPath> and <circle> (or maybe you can even use clip-path="circle() fill-box" these days, can’t remember if support is there yet), I know which a sensible person will prefer.

border-radius: 50% is the easiest and most compatible way to make a circle in CSS.

But does it matter? Nowadays even my editor wants to run a server in the background to provide syntax highlighting. People generally don't seem to care and see it as progress.

But what about the price of tea in China? The language servers you refer to provide a decoupled service to other programs. It has literally nothing to do with the fact that I have to (apparently—why would I even use SVN in this day and age) make a dummy repository somewhere hither or tither just so that I can version control my local-only dotfiles!

aptitude also auto removes dependent packages and is in Debian stable.

It has also a useful 'aptitude why package' to say why a package is installed and a nice TUI (which is optional; for the most part it works very similar to apt).

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