What gets tracked gets improved. I think we need to update the ingredient requirements for food (wtf is seasoning) but also update the fields on Nutritional Facts.
Having a drink like Oreo Coca-Cola read 0’s down the board is illustrative of my point. There’s lots of crap in our food but it’s been selected specifically for its ability to not be captured in the dozen or so categories deemed important back when legislation passed on food transparency.
Crabs in a bucket. Only 16% of people are born into first world countries, we should question whether it’s equitable to give them clean water and housing while others are far behind.
Well in my opinion cost is relative to the value it brings. I think by proposing such a jump in price, ($60 to $600 for iPhone, $300 to $3500 for Vision Pro) Apple is implying they believe that this breakthrough is worth more value to the end user. Whether they’re correct is for the markets to decide. But if I were to wager, I believe their constrained release of a (rumoured) million units will drive demand and carve themselves a nice premium chunk of the market.
So while absolute price does matter, I would say this product will result in the consumer waiting on upgrading their TV, sound system, or computer. With the vision pro, I’d be willing to trade off not having ‘bleeding edge’ tech in semi-stagnant fields such as display panels, audio interfaces, and laptops.