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The fact they can trigger antibodies on a stable portion of the virus is impressive. Near the end, it sounds like a multi pronged approach is needed to deal with variations. I’m not an immunologist, but it was pretty light. If they are in trials does that indicate they have a white paper?

"If they are in trials does that indicate they have a white paper?"

I would think they'd have to in order to have the trial. It probably is not for public distribution though.

Clinical trial data gets published online, might be able to find what you're looking for.

check engine light in the upper left hand corner of his vision.

I believe they are only restoring it to enact “security” aka more spying. I would like to see what the actual text of these policies are. The administration has its tentacles into too many tech companies already.

>I would like to see what the actual text of these policies are.

They aren't a secret:


Imagine a future in which the power company manages drones that destroy the electronic barnacles on their lines.

Every large organization that I have worked at has a solution for desktop and server Linux. The downside is you typically have a password hash stored in ad or a separate service. Ultimately, it isn’t terrible, but you do have a lot of enforcement at the border. So trouble can surprisingly appear when you connect remotely.

I had the exact same thoughts. At least this time around it’s basically done out of the box.

They specifically built Quake to sell the engine. They knew it would be difficult to actually sell an engine without a successful title.

Quake 3 was probably the first time the id really built a game to demonstrate an engine for the sake of engine sales. And then again with Rage.

Interesting, I’ve never heard about that. Do you have a source?

I don't think they specifically understood the idea of a "game engine" as the core product at the time. But there are plenty of references if you Google a bit that Quake was designed for modders due to the popularity of DOOM mods - so developer experience was absolutely taken into account from the start.

They had already done licensing deals for the DOOM engine at that point, including the greatest game of all time "Chex Quest."


Yeah, this is why Quake's logic for a lot of game things - monsters, weapons, moving platforms - is written in a byte-code interpreted language (QuakeC). The idea was to separate it from the engine code so modders could easily make new games without needing access to the full engine source. (And QuakeC was supposed to be simpler as a language than C, which it... is, but at the cost of weird compromises like a single number type (float) which is also used to store bitfields by directly manipulating power of two values. Which works, of course, until your power of 2 is big enough to force the precision to drop below 1...)

Keep in mind that they had developed a good relationship with Raven Software and made a good chunk of money off of their use of idTech 1 for Heretic.

Sorta, you are using hardware offload at a level above the vm. There are a lot of situations in which traffic can interact poorly with that nic. You won’t really be able to identify what traffic resulted in the nic responding because of a bug. I’m assuming you are not using sr-iov vf devices if you are managing offload at the parent. Probably for the best if it is that card.

Yet everyone I know that owned a pixel despises it.

I've owned 3 pixel phones and have loved all of them. Wife has owned 4 different ones and they have been all perfect, no complaints.

I've had very good experiences with all my Pixels. Only phone that was better was a high-end Samsung ($1000) and I sold that and replaced it with a cheap pixel.

(I've had various android phones going back to the T-Mobile G1).

Count me as one anecdote that I love 'em! Best cameras I've ever used, paired with Google Photos means my wife is a happy camper and I get to look like a wizard fixing photos easily right on my phone. I can also install any .apk I want (hint: free youtube premium), why would I ever use a much more expensive, worse product like the iphone?

if it didn't spaz out while installing LineageOS on it, I'd still be using my Pixel 2 XL. it was probably struggling with some hardware failures (I dropped it a lot...) and wouldn't boot after.

Pixel 6s were on sale and I got one of those, no regrets. I am not enthusiastic about Google as a company, and I may consider an iPhone for my next cell, but I've been satisfied with the Pixel line so far.

I've owned several Nexus and Pixel phones and they universally sucked. Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Pixel 2. I think that's all of them. I sent the last one to be fixed under warranty and they basically ignored me for six months (which I spent with no phone) until I threatened to get consumer protection from my country involved.

Yeah yeah, why did I keep buying them? I have no idea. I guess I assumed the rest of Android phones sucked more.

After what they did the the Nexus 6P, I jumped ship to Apple.

I owned several Nexus phones as well as Pixel phones. I'd say that the Pixels were pretty decent; my main annoyance was with the fact that Google deliberately disabled some of the hardware features in that line-up to push their own proprietary solutions - most notably, there's no video output over USB-C nor Miracast, so that your only option is Chromecast.

I've owned 3 generations of Pixels and they've all been great ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe the parent doesn't know you?

Do you ever really know anyone?

I've owned 3 phones starting with nexus iirc. Looking forward to getting a refresh when current one gives out.

I used to own a pixel phone and loved it. What made me move was the data collection, and to some extent lack of security updates on older models. Feature wise, I still like Android over iOS.

They are in fact quite incorrect. These poor upscale features are horrors crafted in the early days of post-processing nightmares. Half of it was pitched to make football games appear more real. They all murder the soul of the film and jack up delay. The industry even had to invent a synchronized audio mechanism to compensate for the summoning of these Eldridge horrors. What I don’t mind are modern upscalers which look very nice on expensive sets. Other modern features like HDR are also lovely because they focus on reproducing the movie with vibrant lighting. Anyhow, one summer working in a television station will improve your acuity for these things. You might even come to understand how these old creations will be the downfall of civilization. As an aside, do not forget to surgically remove samba tv from any android set with adb.

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