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Further on that point, perhaps men don't require as much higher education to make a decent living, at least to start. As a woman, I got a degree because it was the only path I saw to be able to earn close to what my brothers were earning without one in blue collar jobs. As time has progressed however they have become less employable as the job market shifted around but my career has advanced. There was also motivators for me that my brothers didn't have; financial independence. A woman without an education was a lot more limited than a man. For you a PHD wasn't necessary but for a woman it might what is needed to work against gender bias.

You could have gotten on onlyfans and made more than all your current salaries combined. Women have blue collar work too. A stripper who saves her money will invariably become wealthy.

Sex work is still work. It's not enough or even necessary to be conventionally attractive. If you have to put in the work anyway, it might as well be something you want to do, and not everyone wants to do sex work.

Gay porn pays well too but I don't hear a lot of men fighting over that career choice.

Yes. Quite a few times I’ve had some exciting inside info from my industry and I would love to spill it in my pseudo anonymous online hangouts! But then when I compose something that doesn’t give anything away I realize I’ve said nothing and don’t submit.

People are frustrated with the resistance to vaccines from people willing to take a lot less sound medicine and like it or not, vaccines are a social issue. It's actually very logical.

I live in an area that had over about 6 weeks with us pm2.5 aqi above 300 almost every day and many days exceeding 400 and it shocks me how many people still don't have filters of any kind and see this kind of DIY fan as excessive and silly. Ok, more filters for me I suppose.

During fire season this year, living in one of the cities with the worst air quality in Canada this year, I had to double up my fans to keep up when it reaches 400+ US pm2.5 aqi in my home office that is about 300 sq ft. I am using filtrete 1900 20x20x1 from amazon (Canada)

I also have a Dyson air cleaner and it works for moderate to light smoke but it's just not enough for heavy smoke.

To be fair, it wasn't just the CDC, but also the WHO, Canadian, UK, European officials, all in the same vote.

All of the orgs you mentioned (except the WHO) were following the WHO - which is another organization that this crisis has shown we absolutely cannot trust.

I have a way overpriced aerogarden farm and for me it's really just decor along the lines of having an aquarium. It certainly doesn't yield enough of anything to be worth the price. I contemplated something DIY but I didn't think I could get the clean aesthetics. I have a 3d printer now so I could probably make something that looks less like a hack now.

Also I think you have to look at the clusters (in a state) as independent threads growing in parallel. It makes more sense to compare individual state to European countries of similar population.

Very true. The most basic modeling of by country is not helpful, it'd be far better to show it by city, metro area, etc. And as you said each area has their own start date.

Shoot in the US most metro areas have their own quarantine date too.

I had the exact same thought also because of 9/11. I am in British Columbia and I got a vague provincial emergency alert saying there was no tsunami threat. Amazon Prime was also failing at the same time. Facebook was loading but then the USGS site was failing.

I live in British Columbia and for the past 3 summers have had to spend at least all of August indoors with doors and windows sealed shut due to the dangerous levels of particulates in the air. I am already experiencing it.

Particulates – is that smoke from forest fires caused by hot dry weather?

More or less. The fires are caused mostly by lightening and dry winds (some human caused too) by also contributed to by a lot of fuel from overly wet spring followed by dry hot summer.

A small increase in temperature results in a significant increase in lightening which is the big worry.

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