Local massage therapists called him Gene “Whackman.” Having grown up in Santa Fe amongst a large group of massage therapists (my mother taught massage to many decades ago), many knew about his behavior from their personal experiences but somehow never reported it. Sort of interesting.
As someone who has studied the American constitution and been actively engaged in much civil discourse locally, I firmly believe and comprehend the logic of an unmanageably large “government” being a very bad thing on many levels. Please explain to me your obsession with a massive tax funded “government” and your thinking behind a comment such as the one you made. Why do you think this way? Nothing could be more in line with the American forefathers vision than what trump and Elon are doing by dismantling a grossly overweight, fraud ridden, and useless system that the US calls much of its government. I’m eager for a cogent argument, that blends constitutionality and logic, for such a broken system. Hoping you’re the one to make this argument
Nothing could be more in line with the American forefathers vision than what trump and Elon are doing
the problem with people like you (I sincerely do not mean this in ANY derogatory way, just generalising people that make these arguments) is that you are using “American forefathers” as you see fit. American forefathers would be ROLLING IN THEIR GRAVES seeing and hearing what Trump and Elon are doing. They literally fought against people like the two of them.
If I have too choose between bloated federal government and having a President who thinks he is above the law and his Supreme Court cronies saying so in so many words and having a fucking african immigrant with god access to government computer systems I choose bloated government any day of the week and twice on sunday
That’s 340,000,000 individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and geographies.
They wake up every morning and go about their lives. Things like planes need to stay in the air, water needs to be clean, trains need to not derail in the middle of towns, dams need to stay not only structurally sounds but in some cases keep producing electricity.
The USA is the fourth largest country by area in the entire world.
To say that the government is too big and complex and it should be smaller and simpler feels like a drastic oversimplification and incredibly simple thing to say.
> To say that the government is too big and complex and it should be smaller and simpler feels like a drastic oversimplification and incredibly simple thing to say.
I can stipulate there must be essential complexity. I think we have to dispute any suggestion that this hypothetically-essential complexity has grown at the same rate as the spending[1].
It's not obvious that fairness, charity, national defense, public health, postage stamps, corn ethanol... [or air traffic control (cough), clean water (cough), non-derailing trains (cough), levees (cough)]..., ad infinitum should require a static percentage of the economy. Essential or not, those costs fundamentally cannot continue to outpace real GDP growth.
Rather, it seems obvious to me that the political class has scope-creeped "governance" into spending as an end in itself.
Practically, and morally, the government is too big and complex, and it should be drastically smaller and simpler.
Is the implication that we should just publish all of everyone's data everywhere then and there is no value in trying to maintain any protections for anything?
Hive mind is real. I’ve find the extent of “acceptance” on online platforms like HN or Reddit to be incredibly disturbing. But try saying one thing that the hive mind deems not in accordance with their views and boom, you’re swarmed and canceled.
Sure. I can’t tell you how much I love my tax dollars fluffing the pockets of god knows what while also having to deal with insane inflation due to no accountability in government. More than have the country welcomes the purge
No evidence? You’re seeing what you (and TikTok) wants you to see. Any business and I mean ANY business at its core should act in its own self interest of survival. TikTok could have easily gone public in the USA to protect the company and employees. But they didn’t. Unless you can give me a reason why they are allowing the company to die, instead of survive, you have all the evidence you need about how suspicious the company is at its core.