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i wish perplexity.ai did this

Amazon's afterthought of a collaboration tool? The tool that is so bad that Amazon is switching to some amalgamation of o365 + slack

Whoa, really? Amazon’s employee value prop just shot way up.

> Who cares about smartwatches

219.43 million people use smartwatches

I assume that's worldwide? That definitely seems niche to me compared to the global population.

How large does a business need to be on a global scale before we can smack down bad actors for abusing it? If you are a street corner business and your competitors down the street sell things at a loss just until they can put you out of business, should that be allowed because you were only a local business and didn't have millions of customers?

I don't think global population is a factor in antitrust law.

It's a factor in whether "219.43 million people" is a lot of people. If that's 219 million people in the US (i.e. well over half the population), that's obviously massively more significant than 219 million people worldwide.

But for the question of anti-trust action it doesn't matter whether it's "a lot" of people, it matters whether it's an insignificant number of people - if there were 10 smartwatch users in the US, the argument "who cares about smartwatch users" could be valid, but it makes no difference whether there's 219 million people in the US or 219 thousand people in US, since even 219 thousand users is definitely much, much more than sufficient to justify intervention.

Regardless of the size, it does that make it okay to hamper competition like they do.

If this was such an insignificant niche, Apple Watch wouldn't even exist, would it?

I don't really know about sourcing market data, but this[0] page cites Deloitte and Pew:

>The global smartwatch adoption rate has reached an impressive 21.7% of the adult population


>The adoption rate of smartwatches is expected to continue growing, with industry projections suggesting that it will surpass 25% of the adult population shortly.

I don't believe a fifth or a quarter of the adult population could rationally be called 'niche'.

0. https://scoop.market.us/smartwatch-statistics/

This is irrelevant. The primary argument people have against Apple is their platform indirectly impacts how other businesses can operate generally. The smartwatch never took off as a platform, so it exercises no such influence.

> The smartwatch never took off as a platform

And you think Apple had no role to play in this by making most of them useless on their devices?

There is no reason to believe lack of background activity support on iPhone is the reason smartwatches haven’t taken off as a computing platform.


I use mine all day, every day... fantastic device.

Have you used one? Which one?

I've never used one, because they have no use.

Have you used a fitness tracker of any kind?


Damn. My family use Memojis heavily!

Don't worry, most people on Hacker News have no real idea how normal everyday people use tech products. This person thinks Memojis are unused, but they just lack perspective.

> how normal everyday people use tech products

What do you mean? Obviously normies all browse the web in emacs and write their own plugins in elisp.

> This person thinks Memojis are unused, but they just lack perspective.

Or maybe you lack perspective, because maybe some people use it in your circle, but otherwise it’s very unpopular?

Observational fallacies work both ways.

100% of my social circle works outside tech, and nobody uses memojis

The world is bigger than just the US of A. Memojis are big among the teen set elsewhere.

If the amount of internet content regarding Memojis is to be a judge, Memojis might as well not exist at all.

From my broad circle in the US and Europe, I know one person who sends one maybe once a quarter.

Wait till you find out where Apple makes >50% of its revenue ;)

Pray tell, where should we be talking about?

The point is that Apple trades in part on being fashionable.

Lots of people use Facebook but virtually nobody considers Facebook to be fashionable.

Meta doesn't care if Facebook is fashionable, but the more Apple looks like Meta, the bigger the opening for being disrupted on that front gets.

They’re wildly popular with the kids in my orbit especially 6-12

Does it have Accelerated GPU and iServices support?

No and No

I avoiding older 10gbe NICs due to power consumption. Maybe that's why?

Thunderbolt 3 had a fiber option for longer runs, but I don't see it for Tbolt4.

Great article but i wish they mentioned that the APU wasn't in the AR glasses but in the magic leap's Compute Pack

Will do!

I loved Aperture!

Truck drivers do that in the US. I do that in my car, too. Sometimes it's too dark to see the handwave out the back window.

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