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A good reminder that the technologies that are most transformative in society often times start out appearing deeply complex with a poor UX for the average individual.

The story of accidentally shipping his phone number around the world in the code is amazing!

Link is broken.

But would like to watch.

The sameeee

What did Google use to train GraphCast?

GraphCast was trained on this exact same data!

From https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/graphcast-ai-model-for...

> Crucially, GraphCast and traditional approaches go hand-in-hand: we trained GraphCast on four decades of weather reanalysis data, from the ECMWF’s ERA5 dataset.

As someone who isn't a developer, readingthis was eye opening. It's interesting just how unbundled the state of running a software company is. And this is only your selection of the tools and options, not imagining the entire landscape.

As a longtime kiter and sailor, the durability of the kite and line system seems to be the biggest weakness. Constant uv exposure and stress to these systems would make the economical calculations interesting. I don't know of a current setup that could see sustained continuous use for 1 year without significant material replacements or maintenance...

Yeah, I mean how does this material actually perform on a roof? Is there a measurable difference in the marginal gain of 95% to 99.6% when analyzing inside temperature of a house or energy reduction as a result?

There seems to be many factors when looking at the actual cause and effect especially when cost is introduced.

Can anyone put into perspective these methane numbers vs. the industrial beef industry in the US?

Sailing -trying to raise $30m+ to build a boat to break over 20 records.

Surfing -Finding remote point breaks and surfing northern latitudes with nobody around.

Getting any waves in BC or alaska?

I've surfed both. It's fleeting but amazing experience. The remoteness and structure of the coastline makes access the most fun (difficult part). AK gets trickier because its less long period swell and more localized systems, often times resulting in lots of wind and short swell windows.

The holy grail is undiscovered long point breaks.

Would love to give an LLM a dataset of satellite images and tell it to discover more waves containing similar attributes.

There's no surfing in BC ;)

Video interview with the engineers (ads at beginning). Interesting, it's been a difficult problem for a long time.


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