> The concept was well intentioned but, quite ironically, these programs turned into a hub of biased discriminatory behavior and it was becoming increasingly hard to paint them as anything else.
I think the programs basically did nothing. They were ineffective. Yet, that made a lot of people really angry.
Yes, it's kinda same, ATC communications have a specific rhythm and cadence, the speech is professional, neutral, and emotionally detached, combination with ambient music creates an audio cocoon that helps easily get into flow state and increase your productivity
Not sure if the GP was talking about what people want or what Congresspeople want. If the former, that's not really indicative of much. Congress often doesn't pass laws based on what a majority of their constituents want, but based on their own interests (or the interests of their financial backers).
What would be the point of releasing good numbers a year before the election and then forcing yourself to release worse numbers just a couple months before the election?
This observation should be really obvious. The people who think this is nefarious believe they are thinking critically. What they fail to realize is that they are skipping the part where they critically examine their own thought process.
Surely revising the numbers downward close to election when people are paying most attention to them is exactly the opposite thing you would want to do to get re-elected? I'd argue the motivation for malfeasance only makes sense the opposite -- BLS does not want the administration reelected and thus is releasing worse numbers close to the election.
The scandal of never having released the numbers and a future administration finding out and publicizing it is way worse than just admitting it up front and hoping no one cares. Mark my words, when it comes to media pundits, they'll still use the old numbers from the original publications, and everyone will just go along. That's how these things work.
One non-boogeywoman scenario is that they were hoping the numbers would reverse and look good --so they bet things would get better, but they didn't. It's a chance people will take, sometimes.
Well a simple (cynical) take is that the current administration is no longer up for re-election, they’ve been replaced by a new candidate and so now it’s okay to blame the current administration.
Harris is literally the VP and takes an active role in advising and perhaps even running the current administration. Yes, she's not president, but one would hope the second-in-command would be taking on some responsibility in the administration. Thus, she very much shares this administration's success and failures.
"By the current administration to get re-elected" how? Without more specifics, this is a statement you could write about literally anything the current administration is doing or not doing, so it has no explanatory power at all.
how would releasing this new info be helpful? or are you saying this latest release is not by the current administration but the previous inaccurate release is?
I'm saying the Biden administration is ultimately honest of their own accord, but they rush to publish numbers and the media rushes to publicize the original numbers, in such a way as to make people overestimate jobs created. I've talked with people who will still cite old jobs numbers as reasons that Harris should be re-elected.
The article doesn't suggest doing this would have helped the current administration at all. Considering this was always going to get corrected around this time, quite the opposite. Any objective look at this is going to suggest it doesn't help the current administration get elected. So if we are considering conspiracy theories...
Unless I'm mistaken the teams that share a desk are supposed to come in 2 days a week. For teams that don't do this desk sharing you have to come in 3 days a week. So there shouldn't be an issue of trying to have each person use the desk for more than half the week.
They did eventually state 2 days a week for cloud although it’s still completely schitzophrenic.
“You must all be in the office the majority of the time, the company can’t operate efficiently without this”
“Oh we made it impossible people to be in the office the majority of the time? Ok for the people who our policies make it impossible to come into the office the majority of the time, which we previously required alongside statements that we need to do this we are now making an exception to this since it’s not actually needed and we also made the policy impossible to obey. For those not doing desk sharing though we totally still need you to come in 3days a week minimum because the company can’t operate efficiently even though we just said those guys over there can come in 2 days a week. Thanks for understanding our clear management practices everyone!”
I think the programs basically did nothing. They were ineffective. Yet, that made a lot of people really angry.