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Agreed - I had to ask somebody else in the office to confirm they were seeing the same thing.

You would think this is the sort of thing that Atlassian could catch in test? Pretty fundamental, adding text.

When it comes to Jira, I’m not sure developers are in control at all. It’s a beast with its own will, and it devours itself.

NYTimes has the SecureDrop tip submission which uses Tor (see details at https://www.nytimes.com/tips)

Here is the Microsoft blog post mentioned in the nytimes article: https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2023/07/11/mitigat...

If you want to see the "warring magicians on South Park" scene mentioned in the article (actually they were 'psychic detectives'): https://youtu.be/22Tj_l4PcPs

This person is in North York (Canada), not New York.

Thanks, edited - point stands though.

I had to google 'The Machine Stops' - but it looks like a good read, thank you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Machine_Stops

> I also have an immortal soul, as do you.

Genuinely curious: We have a pet rescue greyhound who feels like a genuine part of the family - would you say he has a soul too? (I presume you would say my daughter's pet goldfish does not.)

I believe that all living things have souls, so yes even your goldfish

Even single-celled life, such as bacteria? (I presume "no" for viruses and prions.)

Yes for bacteria, maybe for viruses, probably not for prions. For what it's worth, I'm LDS (Mormon) and I think my view is probably pretty common amongst members of the church. That said we would technically use the term spirit instead of soul, I just used soul because it's a more commonly understood term. Basically all living things have a spirit in addition to their physical form.

So when you transplant whatever thing from a body to another body, what happens with its soul/spirit? Notice that we transplanted all of them (in humans and animals). Do we have multi spirit/soul chimeras?

Thank you for replying to my questions in good faith.

> Stainless steel has better heat retention and distribution

I could be wrong, but I thought that cast iron has higher thermal conductivity (53 w/mK - watts per meter-Kelvin) then stainless steel (14 w/mK). Both are relatively poor thermal conductors compared to aluminum, however (>200 w/mK).

Seriously, I would love to hear Edward Snowden's opinion. Not much on his twitter about it though.

Disappointing tweets from him imo. But like others have said, he’s been taking refuge in Russia so he’s kind of in a terrible spot.

He blamed the US media for stoking tensions in the lead up to the invasion. Then silence.

Perhaps he doesn't want to find a new place to live, in contrast to Assange and Moreno.

So he's not that selfless hero after all and his actions are motivated by personal safety? Is this what you're suggesting?

He's a human being who has already made a huge personal sacrifice to defend our freedom. How about you?

Does he even have a valid passport? Doesn't seem like he even has the option.

He could get a Nansen passport. But i don't see which country would take him, so it's torture/jail in the US or silence.

Sure I get the silence but there was no need to blame the US media in the first place. Silence in the first place would have been fine for the Kremlin.

Given that people here are apparently specifically looking at Ed's words, maybe it wouldn't though. The first thing to die in war is the truth, I've heard said. The Russians need all the good publicity they can get, every bit they can reduce blame or normalize the actions is going to result in lesser sanctions. Ed might have been politely asked and realized it was not a question or suggestion; we don't know.

Maybe it's his honest opinion?

Considering that he's sheltering in Russia right now I would strongly suspect he's going to keep his mouth shut no matter what his opinion is about it. If Putin kicks him out he will be extradited and thrown in a US federal prison solitary confinement cell indefinitely while 'awaiting trial'.

Maybe he only now realized he's just an asset. (As opposed to Assange in the Equatorial embassy, which was given asylum for purely humanitarian reasons)

He retweeted Suchkov's summary of Putin's "address to the nation regarding his decision on Donbass" (https://twitter.com/m_suchkov/status/1495831112102338563). No surprises there about where Snowden's loyalty currently lies.

> I hadn't thought of boycotting much of popular online space as being counter-cultural. It's an interesting thought.

The only winning move is not to play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpmGXeAtWUw

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