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Intel have a rich and storied history of paying for biased and dishonest reviews. You should be thankful that people are willing to fill in the gaps so you hear the full story.

the ABC has missed the point here that Murdoch controls how the narrative is framed around most news and current affairs stories.

Regardless of whether or not he holds a stake in them, nearly every Australian news entity from online publications to talkback radio exists downstream from The Australian (Murdoch's flagship paper). The stories they choose to report on are the focus of the news cycle, and the points they raise on each story serve to plot out the battleground. In political journalism this is even more prevalent, as journalists unwilling to toe the party line aren't given access to government press releases and must rely on content filtered down through News Corp and its contemporaries.

It's also worth noting that the ABC is increasingly beholden to the coalition government, who it depends on for its funding, and the coalition government is in turn beholden to Murdoch, whose power over the press keeps them in power.

Note, also, that the major competition mentioned in the linked article (Nine/Fairfax) is chaired by Peter Costello, former Liberal party treasurer under the Howard government. Balanced competition indeed.

edit: formatting

They didn't "miss it".

Microsoft and Google are proven bad actors. I'm not much of a believer in 'the devil you know'.

Since retail and commercial supply chains are different I'd suggest reaching out to a restaurant you have good rapport with or contacting a local drygoods supplier.

Flour is out there it's just not making it to the shelves.

In the UK a few weeks ago commercial suppliers were complaining that they had all this stock they couldn't shift because it was packaged incorrectly - not flashily marketed or sized too large.

Now the ones that did open up to retail customers seem widely sold out of the desirable stuff...

Ooh, good idea. I have a friend who’s got her restaurant on life support. She could bag up flour and sell it!

Or just ask at the next bakery.

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