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Hey Guys,

I've created a tool to help you generate favicons in the browser without your data sent to a server.

github: https://github.com/22mahmoud/faven

I build this tool to discover new tech

alpinejs a minimal frontend library to help you manipulate the dom. I find it very helpful on small apps, and landing pages.

comping alpinejs with tailwindcss make my prototyping, and development faster.

use snowpack for fast development and use web modules on production without bundle since my project is small.

Hey Guys,

Podio is a Podcast client application, using:

iTunes public API.

Fetch each podcast data by creating the Netlify Lambda function.

and parsing the RSS XML feed with the cheerio package and return the result as a JSON. (the lambda function).

After finished this project, I believe all my future projects will be written with Typescript + twin.macro both make me more productive.

Howler.js for handling audio, so I made a React context wrapper for the state and functions so I can access it from any component.

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