I replaced doomscrolling, a passive and empire-led activity, with active playing chess. I play correspondence games so a minute or two of engagement, per active match, fits me just right any fit time of the day.
Heard that! I made this proof of concept in just a few hours last night, so there's still quite a bit of work to be done. I've already created an issue to add browsing history https://github.com/steezeburger/wikipedia-browser/issues/1
I think the problem is that if you can't fix whatever is causing your body to attack your own pancreas first, it doesn't really matter if you're able to slowly regenerate the insulin-producing cells - you can't make any headway.
The article hypes increased beta cell generation but as far as I skipped doesn't address the characteristic T1 immune response attacking them. Seems incomplete to me.
If the immune response is stalled/reversed during the fast, the causal agent seems pretty clear (and corroborated by studies innumerable): it's the food you eat.
> Or is the DNA roulette wheel already spinning, like it is for people who have been heavy smokers in the past?
Heavy smokers ingest trace amounts of radioactive metals that continue to emit radiation for years to come. The mechanism is certainly not the same with alcohol.
Because Japan (and Australia, and New Zealand) were also good at keeping a lid on infection spread, just like China? And now, with the new Omicron variants, they aren't?
I don't at the slightest feel bad about it.
Tell them I sent you: https://www.chess.com/?ref_id=7467288