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It looks like all the time spent designing the car went into quirky extras and not the core features.

That is absolutely not how GPT works.

Get your orders in early.

Oh no, is this esoteric knowledge now?

I think it's still pretty common if you play a lot of PC games, but it's likely much less so. There seem to be less and less games giving you out-of-the-box developer console access which over time will likely cause new video game players to not know about them as much.

The concept at least is well known by younger generations. There is an entire movie based on the Backrooms YouTube series coming out that is centered around the idea of "noclip."

Nowadays, with online game (both MP as SP) cheating is seen as a crime.

It’s not an actual crime, but If it’s an online multiplayer game it is a violation of the terms of service. Add to that it tends to ruin other people’s enjoyment of the service, thus negating the main purpose of the service. I think people who cheat in online games are pretty sad, pathetic, and selfish.

Yeah, even in single player today. Can't let the idea having fun in a game or having control over a game spoil the statistics of "achievements" for the Achiever players anymore. (Sigh.)

Yeah, iddqd and idclip are kind of a shibboleth now : - (


The Konami Code has been tainted by the horrible decisions the developer has made.

Well, some of us haven’t played serious video games since the early 90s, so…

>Those tall buildings? They provide great shade no matter how sunny it is which is critical for walking to bus stops and subway stations.

Did you just make this whole post up? This is obviously wrong.

This uses a lot of concepts like "common sense" and "understanding" that I'm not sure are useful when talking about language models.

Not now you've posted it on the internet.

That would be significantly less funny and interesting.

It would be exactly as funny and exactly as interesting, which is to say: not very.

This is right up there with noticing that sometimes the "b" in certain English words is completely silent! Haha isn't that totally irrational and crazy you guys??

Well, there are some languages that semi-regularly update their orthographies to better match their pronunciations.

And yes, the grammarians arbitrarily inserting random silent letter into middle of the words so those look more regular or match the (supposed) etymologies are annoying. English "doubt" never historically had "b" inside it either written or spoken: it was "dout", and it was pronounced like this. Same happened to French "doigt" — it used to be "doit" for as long as language itself was called French, but then some Latin-loving guy decided to stick "g" in so that it would be more obvious that the word descended from Latin "digitus".

I didn't find it particularly funny either. It's mostly predicated on this belief that somehow we "should" have optimized our date and time system and that it's silly that we're using an inconsistent, legacy system formed for many cultural reasons.

My analogy is that it's like writing a tweetstorm about how aliens landed on Earth to find that humans use different languages! And different writing systems! How quaint!

How I would have ended would be with the aliens saying we should just adopt galactic standard time because it is so much easier, but in fact it is twice as complicated and confusing, but they are used to it so it appears simple. Still funny better message.

I think it's similar to the apocalypse. Society will never entirely break down because there'd be no one left. It will just become a different society with new rules that we struggle to understand just now.

Surely if it's the case that rent will always absorb any increase in wealth then that is a housing problem, not a wage problem.

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