> The websites I run generally have a honeypot page which is linked in the headers and disallowed to everyone in the robots.txt, and if an IP visits that page, they get added to a blocklist which simply drops their connections without response for 24 hours.
Also, x86 has an instruction that multiplies two 32-bit registers and stores the 64-bit result in two 32-bit registers. So you get the result of the division in the register with the high part of the multiplication result, and don't need to do a shift.
Indeed; quoting from my winning entry [1] that same year:
> This program celebrates the close connection between obfuscation and conciseness, by implementing the most concise language known, Binary Lambda Calculus (BLC).
> The submission implements the universal machine in the most concise manner conceivable.
This is cool, but they should have just used Vulkan. Dawn is a massive dependency (and a PITA to build, in my experience) to get what's basically a wrapper around Vulkan. Vulkan has a reputation for being difficult to work with, but if you just want to use a compute queue it's not that horrible. Also, since Vulkan uses SPIR-V, the user would have more choices for shading languages. Additionally, with RenderDoc you get source-level shader debugging.
Shameless plug: in case anyone wants to see how doing just compute with Vulkan looks like, I wrote a similar library to compete on SHAllenge [0], which was posted here on HN a few days ago. My library is here: https://github.com/0xf00ff00f/vulkan-compute-playground/
Vulkan is definitely a valid angle and I seriously considered it as well. There's a few things that, in aggregate, led me to explore a different direction:
First, there's already a few teams taking a stab at the vulkan approach like kompute, so it's not like that's uncovered territory. At the same time I first looked into this the khronos/apple drama + complaints about moltenvk didn't seem encouraging but I'd be happy to hear if the situation is a lot better.
Second, even though it's not the initial focus, the possibility of browser targets is interesting.
Finally, there's not much in the fairly minimalist gpu.cpp design that couldn't be retargeted to a vulkan backend at some point in the future if it becomes clear that (eg w/ the right combination of vulkan-specific extensions) the performance differential is sufficient to justify the higher implementation complexity and the metal/vulkan tug of war issues are a thing of the past.
Ultimately there's much less happening with webgpu and the things that are happening tend to be in the ml inference infra rather than libraries. it seemed to be a point in the design space worth exploring.
Regarding Dawn - I've lived where your coming from. Some non-trivial amount of effort went into smoothing out the friction. First, if you look at the bottom of the repo README you'll see others have done a lot to make building easier - fetchcontent with Elie's repo worked on the first try, but w/ gpu.cpp users shouldn't even have to deal with that if they don't want to. The reason there's a small script that takes the few seconds to fetch a prebuilt shared library on the first build is so that you can avoid the dawn build by default. After that it should be almost instantaneous to link and compile cycles should be a second or two.
But as I mention elsewhere in these threads, if the Dawn team shipped prebuilt shared libraries themselves, that would be an even better solution (if anyone at Google is reading this)!
I wrote an application to get GPS data for a sport activity from my cheap smartwatch and dump it to a GPX route file. The application uses the Qt Bluetooth libraries. I use it every day after my runs, then I upload the GPX files to Strava.
I did it because I wasn't happy with the official Android app, so I reverse-engineered the watch's Bluetooth Low Energy protocol (this was pretty fun actually).
Was it developed on an actual ZX Spectrum? I think I read that the development environment for the Spectrum port of R-Type was running on a 80286 PC, curious if this was common back in the day.
Yes, developed on a 100% standard Spectrum 48K with the rubber keyboard :) We had a Timex 3" double disc drive, unlike our previous (not commercial) game which we developed using regular cassette tapes.
We used HiSoft's GENS assembler. My brother reverse-engineered the microdrive code in GENS and replaced it with functions to access the Timex drive. That was a huge timesaver for us and other Spanish developers at the time. The source code and the GENS program had to fit in the 48K.
For our next Spectrum game, we used a hardware system to connect an Atari ST and develop on it. It was certainly faster and more comfortable, but the system was buggy as hell and crashed/corrupted the source almost daily.
I love this idea!