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You might really enjoy working through the Art of Problem solving series. They’re early math -> calc books for kids that are getting into math competitions, and they explain so much in so much detail and really get to the root of why while also developing intuition. Get the e-book version. The explainers are incredible.

I'm a mature student returning this year. I'd say a lot of universities in Ontario are very open to mature students, and they've really made the process easy. I can't speak to other places, but I've been very pleasantly surprised.

Our new frontier is trying not to overload our medical system to capacity by trusting science and being proactive and not selfish. We’re failing miserably.

My wife recently started watching it, and I’d argue that she’s enjoying it more today in 2020 than I did when I was watching it as the episodes were released.

The longer I work at my job, the more I am tempted by or appreciate that story.

A local certified Apple repair shop would likely be able to do this for you. I'd recommend calling ahead to ask, and volunteering to order the battery yourself possibly. They will have the tools, expertise, and time.

If you don't use MOTD, putting the shortcuts you wanna memorize in a macOS sticky note works great. Or editing them into your desktop image. Or a legit paper sticky note / label printer label stuck to your monitor - no screen real estate gets consumed that way

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