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1. Setts, Cubes and Cobbles (pavingexpert.com)
1 point by twic 3 months ago | past
2. Rocky Linux Instructional Books (rockylinux.org)
3 points by twic 5 months ago | past
3. Software Firsts in Change-Ringing (1994) (ringing.info)
1 point by twic 7 months ago | past
4. Changes to accounts, part 1: moving to software-only filing (UK) (companieshouse.blog.gov.uk)
2 points by twic 8 months ago | past | 4 comments
5. How 1970s Chassidic Hackers Created a Worldwide Broadcast Network (chabad.org)
3 points by twic on Nov 12, 2022 | past
6. Yes, a Stock Can Have Short Interest over 100% – Here's How (fool.com)
10 points by twic on Jan 28, 2021 | past
7. A Popular Website Is Reportedly Making People Sick (psychologytoday.com)
1 point by twic on Aug 19, 2020 | past
8. Chill out: how a new ‘cold economy’ could bring environmental benefits (theconversation.com)
1 point by twic on June 18, 2020 | past
9. “Phones are being blocked from taking videos or pictures” (twitter.com/demarko)
9 points by twic on June 3, 2020 | past | 7 comments
10. A Review of Knot Strength Testing (2016) (sarrr.weebly.com)
1 point by twic on May 27, 2020 | past
11. Traces of Peter Rice: Pushing the Boundaries of Engineering and Design (arup.com)
1 point by twic on Jan 29, 2020 | past
12. The Internet of Beefs (ribbonfarm.com)
3 points by twic on Jan 18, 2020 | past
13. “Learn to Code” Is Strictly Better Than “Tech Bros Should Learn Humanities” (medium.com/byrnehobart)
2 points by twic on Jan 15, 2020 | past | 1 comment
14. UK’s first grid-injected hydrogen pilot gets underway (hydeploy.co.uk)
2 points by twic on Jan 2, 2020 | past
15. In the Zome with Rob Bell (2011) (sketchup.com)
1 point by twic on Dec 29, 2019 | past
16. IEA Offshore Wind Outlook 2019 (iea.org)
1 point by twic on Dec 10, 2019 | past
17. Water Conflict Chronology (worldwater.org)
1 point by twic on Nov 20, 2019 | past | 1 comment
18. Bitcoin's Fatal Flaw: The Limited Adoption Problem (ssrn.com)
3 points by twic on Nov 19, 2019 | past
19. Do six per cent of financial transactions sent via the Swift system fail? (lse.ac.uk)
2 points by twic on Nov 5, 2019 | past
20. The Great Public Market Reckoning (avc.com)
107 points by twic on Sept 29, 2019 | past | 62 comments
21. London Underground to retire ageing 92-year-old signal box (itv.com)
38 points by twic on Sept 15, 2019 | past | 14 comments
22. Luminescent Solar Concentrator (wikipedia.org)
1 point by twic on July 20, 2019 | past
23. The Banana Boat Swing and Other Distinctive 'Fists' (1996) (telegraph-office.com)
12 points by twic on May 8, 2019 | past | 2 comments
24. The impact of the ‘open’ workspace on human collaboration (royalsocietypublishing.org)
20 points by twic on Jan 3, 2019 | past | 4 comments
25. Shifting Gears (jenkins.io)
264 points by twic on Sept 3, 2018 | past | 118 comments
26. Genuine Ideas: food and kitchen science (genuineideas.com)
2 points by twic on July 20, 2018 | past
27. BrewDog joins forces with Draft House (brewdog.com)
1 point by twic on March 26, 2018 | past
28. How Not to Make Coffee (deadspin.com)
2 points by twic on Nov 15, 2017 | past | 1 comment
29. The great coffee breakthrough (mrc.ac.uk)
21 points by twic on May 7, 2017 | past | 3 comments
30. Maniac Killers of the Bangalore IT Department (bloomberg.com)
2 points by twic on Feb 20, 2017 | past

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