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1. Contexts and Capabilities in Rust (tmandry.gitlab.io)
43 points by tmandry on Dec 21, 2021 | past | 4 comments
2. Rust optimizes async/await: Program analysis (tmandry.gitlab.io)
4 points by tmandry on Sept 9, 2019 | past
3. Rust compiles async/await: Program analysis (tmandry.gitlab.io)
6 points by tmandry on Sept 4, 2019 | past
4. How Rust optimizes async/await (tmandry.gitlab.io)
351 points by tmandry on Aug 19, 2019 | past | 123 comments
5. Being an advocate of your code (codinghorror.com)
1 point by tmandry on Aug 2, 2018 | past
6. Fukushima’s nuclear signature found in California wine (technologyreview.com)
399 points by tmandry on July 19, 2018 | past | 153 comments
7. Show HN: Build with Bazel from Visual Studio (github.com/tmandry)
3 points by tmandry on April 20, 2018 | past
8. Bazel: A high-level build tool for your polyglot codebase (tmandry.gitlab.io)
2 points by tmandry on March 31, 2018 | past
9. Show HN: Swindler – OS X window manager framework in Swift (github.com/tmandry)
7 points by tmandry on Jan 15, 2016 | past | 3 comments

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