1. | | The Korteweg-de Vries equation β how do the waves pass through each other? (youtube.com) |
2 points by tim_hutton on Jan 30, 2021 | past
2. | | Gravity is not a force β free-fall parabolas are straight lines in spacetime (timhutton.github.io) |
801 points by tim_hutton on Oct 18, 2020 | past | 433 comments
3. | | 40 new reaction-diffusion patterns in Ready 0.7 (github.com/gollygang) |
1 point by tim_hutton on Aug 10, 2015 | past
4. | | Scientist learnt in April that Philae harpoons might fail (twitter.com/kvonbengtson) |
3 points by tim_hutton on Nov 18, 2014 | past | 2 comments
5. | | Show HN: A hyperbola is a circle with imaginary radius (plus.google.com) |
2 points by tim_hutton on Oct 9, 2014 | past
6. | | Show HN: Explore tilings of the hyperbolic plane by moving the mouse (github.com/timhutton) |
46 points by tim_hutton on Sept 15, 2014 | past | 10 comments
7. | | Monsanto's Linked to Fatal Kidney Disease Epidemic: Could It Topple the Company? (alternet.org) |
6 points by tim_hutton on July 16, 2014 | past | 6 comments
8. | | This is how analog clocks should be. With a polar projection of the world. (imgur.com) |
7 points by tim_hutton on Jan 24, 2014 | past | 2 comments
9. | | Itβs Time to Take Mesh Networks Seriously (wired.com) |
2 points by tim_hutton on Jan 2, 2014 | past
10. | | Cutting up a circle to make a square. How close can we get? (math.stackexchange.com) |
1 point by tim_hutton on Dec 3, 2013 | past
11. | | Life 'originated from space' claim scientists (telegraph.co.uk) |
1 point by tim_hutton on Sept 19, 2013 | past
12. | | Mailpile β taking e-mail back (indiegogo.com) |
334 points by tim_hutton on Aug 20, 2013 | past | 151 comments
13. | | Watch the Crab Nebula expanding, over 13 years. (plus.google.com) |
4 points by tim_hutton on Aug 1, 2013 | past
14. | | Google sometimes scans books upside-down by mistake... (google.com) |
3 points by tim_hutton on June 7, 2013 | past | 2 comments
15. | | Raspberry Pi + Lego Mindstorms = robots without the soldering (kickstarter.com) |
1 point by tim_hutton on May 13, 2013 | past
16. | | What made you realize that math is beautiful? (math.stackexchange.com) |
1 point by tim_hutton on March 8, 2013 | past | 1 comment
17. | | NVidia releases Visual Studio add-on for Android development on Tegra chips (nvidia.com) |
3 points by tim_hutton on Feb 15, 2013 | past
18. | | Busy Beaver Turmite Challenge (conwaylife.com) |
1 point by tim_hutton on Feb 5, 2013 | past | 1 comment
19. | | Ready 0.5 - cellular automata on arbitrary polygonal and polyhedral meshes (ferkeltongs.livejournal.com) |
1 point by tim_hutton on Dec 20, 2012 | past
20. | | SmoothLife - a continuous version of Conway's Game of Life (plus.google.com) |
3 points by tim_hutton on Oct 10, 2012 | past
21. | | The U-Skate World, a newly-discovered continuous CA that supports gliders. (youtube.com) |
1 point by tim_hutton on Sept 27, 2012 | past
22. | | Animating how the Mandelbrot maps onto itself, by "stirring" (code.google.com) |
4 points by tim_hutton on Sept 5, 2012 | past
23. | | First glider discovered in a cellular automata on an aperiodic tiling (plus.google.com) |
182 points by tim_hutton on July 26, 2012 | past | 28 comments
24. | | Show HN: Run Turing's reaction-diffusion on your own meshes (code.google.com) |
1 point by tim_hutton on June 23, 2012 | past