Hacker News new | past | comments | ask | show | jobs | submit | mb2100's submissions login
1. A MPA, no-bundler JavaScript meta-framework separating client- and server-code (mb21.github.io)
1 point by mb2100 78 days ago | past
2. Show HN: Simple visual JSON editor as an AngularJS directive (mb21.github.io)
15 points by mb2100 on Sept 14, 2013 | past | 4 comments
3. Show HN: Mac OS X Service to run Pandoc from any text editor (github.com/mb21)
1 point by mb2100 on July 21, 2013 | past
4. Show HN: moviedir2html.py - HTML to browse your movie collection with IMDB info (github.com/mb21)
2 points by mb2100 on June 22, 2013 | past | 1 comment

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