1. | | Reflections on a Failed Startup (medium.com/semi-random-thoughts) |
1 point by jhull on Aug 20, 2019 | past
2. | | Bike Share Graveyards (theatlantic.com) |
13 points by jhull on Aug 7, 2018 | past | 1 comment
3. | | Intertwingularity (wikipedia.org) |
2 points by jhull on June 12, 2018 | past
4. | | [flagged] How Killers Bought Guns They Weren't Supposed to Get (wsj.com) |
11 points by jhull on June 11, 2018 | past | 9 comments
5. | | Machines Took Over the Stock Market. Next Up, Bonds (wsj.com) |
5 points by jhull on Oct 18, 2017 | past
6. | | British Airways left to count cost of weekend IT meltdown (reuters.com) |
2 points by jhull on May 30, 2017 | past
7. | | Presidential Tax Returns over the years (taxhistory.org) |
1 point by jhull on April 15, 2017 | past
8. | | U.S. Nuclear Weapons Tests Now on YouTube (youtube.com) |
3 points by jhull on March 20, 2017 | past
9. | | Censored Photographs of FDR’s Japanese Concentration Camps (anchoreditions.com) |
450 points by jhull on Dec 9, 2016 | past | 330 comments
10. | | Some Things That Make Me Scared (kasrarahjerdi.com) |
3 points by jhull on Nov 29, 2016 | past
11. | | Relatives of Palestinian attack victims sue Facebook for $1B (reuters.com) |
2 points by jhull on July 11, 2016 | past
12. | | People Killed by Police – Unofficial Statistics (killedbypolice.net) |
2 points by jhull on July 8, 2016 | past
13. | | The C10K Problem (2004) (kegel.com) |
2 points by jhull on June 29, 2016 | past
14. | | Public School 188 – Where Nearly Half of Pupils Are Homeless (nytimes.com) |
5 points by jhull on June 6, 2016 | past
15. | | Obama to Help Push for Open Market for Cable Set-Top Boxes (nytimes.com) |
4 points by jhull on April 15, 2016 | past
16. | | Udacity will Refund Tuition if you Fail to get a Job in 6 months (udacity.com) |
3 points by jhull on Jan 14, 2016 | past
17. | | Data Visualization of WWII Fatalities (omeleto.com) |
1 point by jhull on Dec 31, 2015 | past
18. | | VIM Regex (2002) (vimregex.com) |
3 points by jhull on Dec 26, 2015 | past
19. | | New U.S. FAA rule requires drone owners to register by Feb 19 (reuters.com) |
123 points by jhull on Dec 14, 2015 | past | 238 comments
20. | | The Narrative Frays for Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes (nytimes.com) |
1 point by jhull on Oct 30, 2015 | past
21. | | Greenland is Melting Away (nytimes.com) |
33 points by jhull on Oct 27, 2015 | past | 4 comments
22. | | The Solution to Drug Prices (nytimes.com) |
2 points by jhull on Sept 9, 2015 | past
23. | | How the FBI Routinely Circumvents First Amendment Rights – Documentary Film (kickstarter.com) |
3 points by jhull on Aug 17, 2015 | past
24. | | Genetic Access Control Using 23AndMe (github.com/offapi) |
13 points by jhull on Aug 5, 2015 | past | 1 comment
25. | | Super PAC Donor Breakdown (nytimes.com) |
1 point by jhull on Aug 1, 2015 | past
26. | | 'Devious Defecator' case is a landmark for US genetic-privacy law (nature.com) |
57 points by jhull on June 26, 2015 | past | 19 comments
27. | | Anti-Cheating Drones Used During Chinese National Exam (twitter.com/pdchina) |
1 point by jhull on June 8, 2015 | past
28. | | Dumping American Junk Bonds in Japan (wolfstreet.com) |
2 points by jhull on June 3, 2015 | past
29. | | RealNetworks Launches RealTimes - A Photo Sharing Service (thenextweb.com) |
2 points by jhull on May 19, 2015 | past
30. | | Why Buying Provisioned IOPS on RDS Might Be a Mistake (blog.textit.in) |
5 points by jhull on May 5, 2015 | past | 1 comment
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