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1. Space Jam 2 (spacejam2.com)
180 points by javawizard on April 4, 2021 | past | 51 comments
2. When threadWaitRead Doesn't (jfischoff.github.io)
1 point by javawizard on June 22, 2020 | past
3. New FAA drone rule is a giant middle finger to aviation hobbyists (arstechnica.com)
8 points by javawizard on Feb 29, 2020 | past | 2 comments
4. Divvy Raises $10.5M Series A to Eliminate Expense Reports (prnewswire.com)
2 points by javawizard on May 5, 2018 | past
5. Parcon: a new parser combinator library (opengroove.org)
1 point by javawizard on June 17, 2011 | past

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