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1. Suz Hinton on Accessible Images (AIMS) (paperswelove.org)
1 point by hieronymusN on March 29, 2018 | past
2. Papers We Love Conf 2017 Videos (pwlconf.org)
5 points by hieronymusN on Oct 10, 2017 | past | 1 comment
3. Regexgen: Generate regular expressions that match a set of strings (github.com/devongovett)
3 points by hieronymusN on Dec 21, 2016 | past
4. Feature gate your app with Webpack and React-Router (darrennewton.com)
2 points by hieronymusN on Dec 21, 2016 | past
5. PWLConf 2016 videos are now available (pwlconf.org)
6 points by hieronymusN on Sept 26, 2016 | past
6. Bitcoin: A Peer-To-Peer Electronic Cash System [video] (paperswelove.org)
1 point by hieronymusN on Sept 2, 2015 | past
7. Hints for Computer System Design with Bill Berry [video] (paperswelove.org)
1 point by hieronymusN on Aug 20, 2015 | past
8. Making a Fast Curry: Push/Enter vs. Eval/Apply [video] (paperswelove.org)
13 points by hieronymusN on July 23, 2015 | past | 2 comments
9. Making Lockless Synchronization Fast [video] (paperswelove.org)
2 points by hieronymusN on June 24, 2015 | past
10. Building your first JAR with Clojure (darrennewton.com)
2 points by hieronymusN on March 11, 2015 | past
11. Orleans: Distributed Virtual Actors for Programmability and Scalability [Video] (paperswelove.org)
2 points by hieronymusN on March 5, 2015 | past
12. Pushing pixels with Racket to build identicons (darrennewton.com)
2 points by hieronymusN on Jan 5, 2015 | past
13. Beat Detection Using JavaScript and the Web Audio API (beatport.com)
92 points by hieronymusN on Aug 1, 2014 | past | 11 comments
14. Amazing Military Infographics (medium.com/ftrain)
1 point by hieronymusN on May 14, 2014 | past
15. Kindling giving free accounts to startups (kindlinglovesstartups.com)
2 points by hieronymusN on Sept 26, 2013 | past
16. The future of business on the web (beanis.biz)
3 points by hieronymusN on July 10, 2013 | past | 2 comments
17. Get Functional with Underscore-Contrib (darrenknewton.com)
9 points by hieronymusN on May 6, 2013 | past | 1 comment
18. Show HN: Marksy - translate between markup languages on the fly, in your browser (chrome.google.com)
2 points by hieronymusN on Feb 21, 2013 | past | 3 comments
19. Marksy - easily translate between markup languages on the fly, in your browser (arc90.com)
3 points by hieronymusN on Feb 20, 2013 | past | 1 comment
20. SassMe: Visualize SASS color functions in real-time without compiling (arc90.com)
26 points by hieronymusN on Sept 18, 2012 | past | 14 comments
21. Hacking up static sites with Middleman (darrenknewton.com)
1 point by hieronymusN on Sept 17, 2012 | past
22. Howto: Deploy Clojure on DotCloud (saolsen.tumblr.com)
2 points by hieronymusN on Aug 16, 2012 | past
23. Heroku: a great place to demo, but keep your wallet handy (darrenknewton.com)
2 points by hieronymusN on July 8, 2012 | past
24. Backbone.js and You - A Gentle Introduction to a JavaScript Library (darrenknewton.com)
2 points by hieronymusN on June 28, 2012 | past
25. Facebook Brand Timelines? Meh. (gabardine.com)
2 points by hieronymusN on March 2, 2012 | past
26. Book review: The Comingled Code: Open Source and Economic Development (economist.com)
1 point by hieronymusN on Jan 21, 2011 | past
27. Open letter to ASCAP concerning Creative Commons Misconceptions (shifter.net)
1 point by hieronymusN on July 22, 2010 | past

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