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1. Superluminal NTP (ietf.org)
3 points by dfranke on April 1, 2021 | past | 1 comment
2. Show HN: Byztime – Byzantine-fault-tolerant time synchronization (github.com/akamai-contrib)
2 points by dfranke on Feb 25, 2021 | past | 2 comments
3. Show HN: Lunaria – scientifically-designed color palettes for terminals and IDEs (lunaria.design)
3 points by dfranke on Jan 29, 2021 | past
4. Hard-Mode Eye Chart (dfoxfranke.github.io)
2 points by dfranke on Nov 19, 2020 | past
5. Rebuttal to “How not to design a wire protocol” by designer of said protocol (ibiblio.org)
54 points by dfranke on March 9, 2019 | past | 3 comments
6. Programming Satan's Computer (1995) [pdf] (cmu.edu)
39 points by dfranke on April 2, 2015 | past
7. How POODLE Happened (dfranke.us)
162 points by dfranke on Oct 15, 2014 | past | 7 comments
8. Shell Shock Exploitation Vectors (dfranke.us)
142 points by dfranke on Sept 27, 2014 | past | 55 comments
9. Entrepreneur Challenges Peter Thiel To Million Dollar Chess Game (businessinsider.com)
6 points by dfranke on July 19, 2012 | past | 1 comment
10. Life support for DNSChanger-infected machines to be cut off on Monday (technologyreview.com)
4 points by dfranke on July 5, 2012 | past
11. Exploiting variable-bitrate codecs to recover phrases from encrypted VoIP (schneier.com)
2 points by dfranke on March 24, 2011 | past | 1 comment
12. Digikey products now listed on Octopart (octopart.com)
80 points by dfranke on Jan 6, 2011 | past | 26 comments
13. Holding Nokia Responsible for Surveilling Dissidents in Iran (eff.org)
6 points by dfranke on Oct 14, 2010 | past
14. Dell recalling motherboards containing malware-infected firmware (dell.com)
4 points by dfranke on July 21, 2010 | past
15. Landscape sketch becomes Jules Verne portrait when viewed in cylindrical mirror (kikiriposzidoszi.blogspot.com)
3 points by dfranke on April 20, 2010 | past
16. IBM partially backs down on Hercules patent threat (ibiblio.org)
13 points by dfranke on April 8, 2010 | past
17. Mozilla shipping SSL root certificate, has no idea how it got there (groups.google.com)
122 points by dfranke on April 6, 2010 | past | 46 comments
18. Haskell is 4.2x as good as Erlang at lightweight concurrency. Give it some love. (debian.org)
125 points by dfranke on Aug 20, 2009 | past | 35 comments
19. 2009 Pwnie Award finalists announced (pwnie-awards.org)
3 points by dfranke on July 21, 2009 | past
20. The paper regarding the 2^52 attack on SHA-1 is now on eprint [pdf] (iacr.org)
12 points by dfranke on June 4, 2009 | past | 1 comment
21. How I Hacked Hacker News (with arc security advisory)
928 points by dfranke on June 3, 2009 | past | 78 comments
22. Bruce Schneier on the risks of cloud computing (vnunet.com)
3 points by dfranke on May 31, 2009 | past | 1 comment
23. Ask PG: Could YC admissions be replaced with a very small shell script?
17 points by dfranke on May 26, 2009 | past | 12 comments
24. The Dark Side of Security by Obscurity: Cloning MiFare Passes Anywhere, Anytime (iacr.org)
2 points by dfranke on May 11, 2009 | past
25. US Trustee moves to convert SCO bankruptcy to chapter 7 (groklaw.net)
1 point by dfranke on May 6, 2009 | past
26. Another Eurocrypt rump session presentation: printing without ink. Secure and green. (cr.yp.to)
1 point by dfranke on May 3, 2009 | past
27. Ask YC: What's up with Startup School?
1 point by dfranke on March 23, 2009 | past | 4 comments
28. Mystery of honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder is probably solved (sciam.com)
119 points by dfranke on March 23, 2009 | past | 27 comments
29. You're calling who a cult leader? (lesswrong.com)
70 points by dfranke on March 22, 2009 | past | 22 comments
30. The FDIC needs a bailout (wsj.com)
2 points by dfranke on March 6, 2009 | past

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