1. | | Benchmarking Apache Solr on AMD Epyc Milan Instances (fullstory.com) |
9 points by chatman on Sept 30, 2021 | past
2. | | AMD Epyc Milan Comes to GCP (cloud.google.com) |
12 points by chatman on Sept 30, 2021 | past
3. | | China Achieves Quantum Supremacy (wired.com) |
6 points by chatman on Dec 4, 2020 | past
4. | | Engineers leaving Lucidworks one by one (twitter.com/shalinmangar) |
1 point by chatman on Dec 2, 2020 | past
5. | | Mother threw away my Ryzen APU (twitter.com/ichattopadhyaya) |
3 points by chatman on Nov 25, 2020 | past
6. | | Show HN: Apache Solr Reference Guide Re-Design (twitter.com/ichattopadhyaya) |
1 point by chatman on July 18, 2020 | past
7. | | Lanch HN: SearchStack, scale and reliability consulting for Apache Solr (searchstack.com) |
1 point by chatman on July 14, 2020 | past
8. | | Show HN: SearchStack – Easy to deploy search applications on Kubernetes (searchstack.org) |
7 points by chatman on June 4, 2019 | past
9. | | Apache blocks Lucidworks from accessing their site (twitter.com/ichattopadhyaya) |
2 points by chatman on April 18, 2019 | past
10. | | Towards GPU acceleration in Lucene (twitter.com/ichattopadhyaya) |
2 points by chatman on June 27, 2018 | past
11. | | Machine Learning for Apache Solr, Elasticsearch and Vespa (youtube.com) |
4 points by chatman on June 20, 2018 | past
12. | | Getting Started with Apache Solr 7 (textsearch.io) |
2 points by chatman on Dec 2, 2017 | past
13. | | New in Solr: Quickstart with Payloads in Solr (textsearch.io) |
1 point by chatman on Sept 2, 2017 | past
14. | | Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Alexa join forces in AI voice assistant alliance (indiatimes.com) |
1 point by chatman on Sept 1, 2017 | past
15. | | New in Solr: Quickstart with Payloads in Solr (textsearch.io) |
2 points by chatman on Aug 27, 2017 | past
16. | | Quickstart with Payloads in Solr (textsearch.io) |
1 point by chatman on Aug 27, 2017 | past
17. | | Show HN: Quickstart with Payloads in Solr (textsearch.io) |
1 point by chatman on Aug 27, 2017 | past
18. | | Traversing a Path to Freedom (chattopadhyaya.com) |
2 points by chatman on March 28, 2017 | past
19. | | State of security in Apache Solr 2016 (youtube.com) |
2 points by chatman on Nov 4, 2016 | past
20. | | New MacBook Pro has no escape key (theverge.com) |
3 points by chatman on Oct 27, 2016 | past
21. | | Apache Lucene and Solr 6.0.0 (apache.org) |
3 points by chatman on April 8, 2016 | past
22. | | Row stores vs. Column stores (twitter.com/ichattopadhyaya) |
3 points by chatman on Jan 19, 2016 | past
23. | | Hadoop Connectors for Apache Solr (lucidworks.com) |
10 points by chatman on Dec 18, 2015 | past
24. | | Harvard Team Loses to Debaters from New York Prison (npr.org) |
5 points by chatman on Oct 8, 2015 | past | 1 comment
25. | | Vigilante hacker creates good virus (maximumpc.com) |
3 points by chatman on Oct 2, 2015 | past | 1 comment
26. | | Deleting WhatsApp, Google Hangouts messages could become illegal in India (indiatimes.com) |
1 point by chatman on Sept 21, 2015 | past
27. | | Reproducible benchmarks of IR tools (github.com/lintool) |
1 point by chatman on Aug 12, 2015 | past
28. | | 5 open source tools for taming text (opensource.com) |
2 points by chatman on July 9, 2015 | past
29. | | Apache Solr 5.2 (apache.org) |
4 points by chatman on June 8, 2015 | past
30. | | Apache Solr 5.2 (apache.org) |
8 points by chatman on June 8, 2015 | past | 1 comment
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