1. | | The Ethical Tech Giving Guide (fsf.org) |
2 points by cgopalan on March 29, 2019 | past
2. | | This Thanksgiving break the chain of old traditions Sponsor, don't eat a turkey (farmsanctuary.org) |
3 points by cgopalan on Oct 20, 2018 | past
3. | | Introduction to Functional Programming in OCaml (3rd Edition) (fun-mooc.fr) |
3 points by cgopalan on May 24, 2018 | past
4. | | Show HN: Kind and Green News – HN for animal welfare/rights, clean meat/tech (kindandgreenworld.com) |
5 points by cgopalan on May 14, 2018 | past | 1 comment
5. | | Bitcoin mining guzzles energy – and its carbon footprint just keeps growing (wired.com) |
18 points by cgopalan on Dec 7, 2017 | past | 7 comments
6. | | Poll: How many of you prefer a fully-remote job vs. being in the office? |
3 points by cgopalan on April 6, 2017 | past | 4 comments
7. | | How to level up as a developer (medium.com/willh) |
5 points by cgopalan on Feb 29, 2016 | past
8. | | Visual C++ Compiler Optimizations (2015) (microsoft.com) |
69 points by cgopalan on Feb 22, 2016 | past | 23 comments
9. | | How to interpret your own genome using (mostly) Python. – PyCon 2015 (youtube.com) |
2 points by cgopalan on April 27, 2015 | past
10. | | LinkedIn is down (linkedin.com) |
1 point by cgopalan on Sept 29, 2014 | past | 1 comment
11. | | Ask HN: Examples of famous OSS created using red-green-refactor TDD? |
7 points by cgopalan on Feb 28, 2014 | past | 9 comments
12. | | The Analytics Edge – from MITx (edx.org) |
2 points by cgopalan on Feb 12, 2014 | past
13. | | A 2D Portal into a 3D World (microsoft.com) |
1 point by cgopalan on Feb 5, 2014 | past
14. | | General concepts: concurrency, parallelism, threads and processes (readthedocs.org) |
1 point by cgopalan on Feb 2, 2014 | past
15. | | Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems (coursera.org) |
3 points by cgopalan on Jan 4, 2014 | past
16. | | I, Health Insurer (charlespetzold.com) |
87 points by cgopalan on Dec 31, 2013 | past | 106 comments
17. | | Fareed Zakaria's Harvard commencement address (news.harvard.edu) |
1 point by cgopalan on Aug 1, 2012 | past
18. | | Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (williams.edu) |
4 points by cgopalan on July 7, 2012 | past
19. | | Peter Norvig to teach 'Design of Computer Programs' at Udacity (udacity.com) |
194 points by cgopalan on March 14, 2012 | past | 51 comments
20. | | Stanford algorithms class signup active (coursera.org) |
5 points by cgopalan on March 3, 2012 | past | 2 comments
21. | | (An ((Even Better) Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)) (norvig.com) |
140 points by cgopalan on Oct 18, 2011 | past | 17 comments
22. | | The philosophy of PyPy - roughly (guttingpython.blogspot.com) |
2 points by cgopalan on Sept 5, 2011 | past
23. | | Timothy Gowers on mathematical implication (cam.ac.uk) |
24 points by cgopalan on Jan 19, 2011 | past | 39 comments