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1. Anti-porn filters stop Dominic Cummings trending on Twitter (theguardian.com)
36 points by DavidVoid on May 27, 2020 | past | 6 comments
2. Spatiotemporal Importance Resampling for Many-Light Ray Tracing (ReSTIR) [pdf] (nvidia.com)
1 point by DavidVoid on May 14, 2020 | past | 1 comment
3. Time to Stop the ‘Doomsday Clock’. – Lawrence M. Krauss (wsj.com)
53 points by DavidVoid on Jan 23, 2020 | past | 74 comments
4. Longest C++ Variable Declaration (shaharmike.com)
3 points by DavidVoid on Oct 26, 2019 | past | 1 comment

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