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JetBrains' unremovable AI assistant meets irresistible outcry (theregister.com)
317 points by cannibalXxx 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 254 comments

Always liked NetBeans better anyway :P

This is such an irritating feature, the Jetbrains Clippy, let's call it Chuckles the AI Assistant.

You can't remove Chuckles after disabling - that was a decision to go against the default setup of plugins - and shows the respect they have for users.

It's like The Cat Came Back - this annoyance is going to run and run.

Wait.. so 12 people complained? This is the 'irresistible outcry'? I feel like it's not that big an issue, and it seems like n=12 complaints when the userbase is in the millions isn't that bad.

I don’t know much about this, but it seems to be some kind of proprietary, closed-source IDE. People here appear satisfied that they’ve managed to “disable” the plugin in question. But as far as you know this thing is exfiltrating all your code anyway, and always has been. This is one reason we recommend that people use open source software.

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