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Infinite Mac (macos8.app)
1038 points by bookofjoe on April 26, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 323 comments

Is that emulation or compiled to WASM?

According to https://blog.persistent.info/2022/03/blog-post.html it is emulator.

Note, the Mac OS and the apps in this emulator are running proprietary code. So it can't be "compiled" because the source code isn't available. The only options are binary recompiling or binary translating or emulation.

If you like this, check these: https://github.com/zriyansh/awesome-os

I really like the Equation Editor in the Claris Works folder. Specifically, I like the "holes" UI when writing an equation using a summation editor, for example. I feel like modern equation editors have lost that, but maybe I've just used the wrong ones. Does anyone have any ones they'd recommend, or pointers to more uses of 2D editors with "hole" UIs?

While I'm a LaTeX person myself, the equation editor (Insert→Equation) in Microsoft Word appears to work this way.

This is remarkable work. It was great fun to play around with. I have just one request: could someone put together some of the same bits as a bare-metal app for a Raspberry Pi? It would be wonderful to be able to use a Pi as a retro 680x0 machine, not as an emulator with some vast underlying OS that needs to be patched, but just as a something monolithic and lightweight...

There is also its cousin https://system7.app/

I love this, and my first legitimate thought after using the word 5.1 app (my favorite of all time) is that this might make it possible to create a workflow where I compose documents in word 5.1 and could find an intermediate emulator would allow me to export them and translate them into a modern format.

For everyone not familiar with OS8: Please try switching a window to list view and drag it to the bottom of the screen until it snaps as a spring-loaded tab. This is so much better than anything Dock, etc.! Also, marvel at the tear-down process menu at the top right, which accepts drag-and-drop.

The preloaded apps and games really lock in the nostalgia... Infini-d, Bryce, ResEdit, Stuffit, Afterdark

OMFG Photoshop 3.0, I learned on that! Even bought 4 MB of ram for $400 to run it on my PC. Damn!

Anyone else recall writing too much text in a sticky note and not having enough memory to close it?

This reminds me of a period of longing for Windows so I could play RCT & The Sims.

Perhaps due to the inconsistent and unmetaphorical interfaces of today, this one seems near futuristic.

I was hoping to find Enchanted Scepters in there (I'd guess it would be in the system7 version), but no luck. I tried a few years ago to get it working on a Mac emulator but I wasn't successful, and I have fond memories of that game.

What!?!? No way - thank you so much!

You can try downloading mounting the IMG file from that page, getting Scummvm https://scummvm.org and select the path for the mounted image to play the game under the Wage Engine.

now I can install protools and produce grammy award winning album all in internet explorer

This will be impossible to do with iOS and apps vaporized into history off the App Store

User tip, don't close a Finder window with ^W. At least if that maps to closing the browser window on your system. :-)

Seriously, it warms this old programmer's heart to see the beautiful old-time Macintosh user interface. That was good stuff.

The biggest change to Adobe Photoshop since version 3.5, seems to be the retail price.

Oooh how nice!

That digs up some memory from my childhood - an aunt had an Apple with the OS looking very similar to this one, and there was a game where you had to place railroad tiles and could then operate a train. Anyone here remember that game?

Was this Railroad Tycoon? I never played it, just sounds like what you are describing.

I remember Launcher having buttons at the top of the window for categories. This version of Launcher doesn't have that, though? It's just a window with Script Editor and SimpleText (which doesn't launch)

Anyone remember any names of DAWs back then? - I had it on my Mac Classic round about 92-95. I thought it was called EasyStudio but man, apparently it was a while ago and I seem to be getting forgetful...

I used Digidesign Sound Tools and Sound Tools II on a Mac IIx at the studio from 91 to 93, also Opcode Studio Vision (using the Digidesign card); then we upgraded with another piece of Digidesign kit that was some sort of "ProTools lite", with a large rack-mounted audio I/O box.

Most people still used Cubase on Atari 1040ST back then for their musical musings ;)

Aw man, I loved the Atari for sound. I never had one but some mates did, we used to write some epic stuff. This has also reminded me of much later when I started using Tracktion, which it turns out is still a thing…

1 minute in and I'm already making delightful landscapes in Bryce...

Great for nostalgia. I wanted to play Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, but it crashes during the intro scene with "An error of type 3 occurred."

Whoa!! This is amazing.

My brother and I used to play the FA-18 "sim" all the time. Thanks for the blast from the past.

Now if only I still had the joystick controller...

I could not run create a new file with PowerPlant Constructor. It complains "because selected printing resource could not be found."

Damn Simcity 2000 crashes, that's disappointing

Oh man. Hotline. Fond memories. Thanks for sharing!

Mouse is lagging

This is probably because the emulator is using relative mouse coordinates, rather than absolute mouse coordinates. I use a high-DPI/sensitivity mouse and as soon as my cursor touched the screen of the Mac the response was off.

That is accurate experience

Back in the day, the mouse never lagged. It was using a hardware interrupt.

Am I the only person that thinks that Classic Mac OS looks better than _any_ modern GUI operating system today?

On HN? I think you are not

It loads very fast and the performance is alright. What optimizations did they do to pull this off?

Awesome! I'm going to dig up the source for my custom After Dark module and see if it works!

Out of this World seems to play at full speed on my Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra. Very cool.

So what was Key Caps for? Some kind of virtual keyboard pops out but I wonder what for.

it helped learn the various symbols... if you hold down option (alt)

Wow - I didn't realize the stickies feature is basically unchanged since then

As is AppleScript… unfortunately.

Since System 7!

Is this WebAssembly? Because if it is then we've come a long way in the web!

Strangely, my AT&T fiber gateway blocks this website and claims spam risk.

How do you shutdown?

I'd lose my mind if this had "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing"

macbugs is not installed...

What's up with the scrollbar handles not moving as you scroll?

Where is Escape Velocity?

Searched the comments if someone asked the same question :)

Maelstrom is on it at least.

This isn't mobile formatted and I can't zoom out.

It comes with Civ preinstalled? Just one more turn....

Fantastic! It even has Adobe Photoshop 3. So much fun.

Fantastic! It even has Adobe Photoshop 3. So much fun.

Makes me wonder if in the year 2040, we'll be able to do anything similar at all.

"Oooh! Photoshop CC on Microsoft Windows 13 running inside a browser running on macOS 43! Oh, wait. 'Cannot connect to DRM server.' 'Cannot connect to advertising server.' 'Cannot connect to marketing server.' 'Cannot connect to telemetry server.' 'Cannot authenticate login. Aborting.'"

(I'm not harshing on MS. Just moaning that software is so tied to ephemeral services these days.)

Photoshop is one of those things that easily illustrates how far computers have come.

Anyone who used graphic design software, even well into the PowerPC days, remembers having a tiny preview window to show filters/effects, and then waiting seconds or even minutes for the filter to be applied to the entire image. Yes people, even a blur took a long time in the old days.

The real-time manipulation we have on our phones these days is insane by comparison.

There is a funny video -

8 current Photoshop experts using Photoshop 1.0 and recording their reactions.


The funniest I think is when they all find out they only have 1 undo.

No Crystal Quest!?

Netgear’s Armor software considers that site “Spam”.

I wonder why.

Such an amazing treasure trove of games!

Incredibly good. Great work!

Lawd I miss the simplicity.

Will it run bolo?

The answer is "yes it's on there", but more meaningfully - does it handle networking enough that we could have a massive bolo lan party?

Quack not working

ohh, the maelstrom, this brings memories...

So cool!!!

It runs? I guess.

Neither Sim City 2000 nor Warcraft II could start.

Is this just another enscripten rush port or something?

“The marvel is not that the bear dances well, but that the bear dances at all.”

With the amount of in-browser emulators how there it doesn't seem particularly difficult to recompile something existing to WASM. Archive.org has been doing something like that for years at this point

This project is a nice resume badge. Just wish it was called that

SimCity 2K ran fine for me once I “registered” it - with all of the horrible music.

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