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Stories from October 18, 2023
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1. Write more "useless" software (ntietz.com)
846 points by greenSunglass 11 months ago | 254 comments
2. Reflect – Multiplayer web app framework with game-style synchronization (rocicorp.dev)
462 points by aboodman 11 months ago | 150 comments
3. What is the Demoscene? An interview (onthearts.com)
553 points by keiferski 11 months ago | 217 comments
4. The fake browser update scam gets a makeover (krebsonsecurity.com)
242 points by feross 11 months ago | 190 comments
5. Hacker leaks millions more 23andMe user records on cybercrime forum (techcrunch.com)
490 points by coloneltcb 11 months ago | 394 comments
6. 4K4D: Real-Time 4D View Synthesis at 4K Resolution (zju3dv.github.io)
405 points by georgehill 11 months ago | 135 comments
7. A 1990 experiment to test whether we could discern life on Earth remotely (nature.com)
272 points by sohkamyung 11 months ago | 140 comments
8. Commercially available chairs in Star Trek (ex-astris-scientia.org)
725 points by zichy 11 months ago | 210 comments
9. Psytrance Guide (psytranceguide.com)
539 points by turrini 11 months ago | 280 comments
10. Google opens Falcon, a reliable low-latency hardware transport, to the ecosystem (cloud.google.com)
274 points by jasondavies 11 months ago | 149 comments
11. Fuyu-8B: A multimodal architecture for AI agents (adept.ai)
205 points by averylamp 11 months ago | 57 comments
12. Launch HN: Pier (YC W23) – Stripe for Credit
176 points by jess-zhang 11 months ago | 75 comments
13. Qaul – Internet independent wireless mesh communication app (qaul.net)
136 points by kristianpaul 11 months ago | 36 comments
14. Universal cancer vaccine trial shows significant improvement in overall survival (ultimovacs.com)
235 points by espenwa 11 months ago | 50 comments
15. The Ur-Quan Masters: Open-source remake of Star Control II (theurquanmasters.com)
181 points by reidrac 11 months ago | 60 comments
16. Amazon reaches 10k Rivian electric delivery vans in US (techcrunch.com)
221 points by geox 11 months ago | 287 comments
17. Winsorized mean (wikipedia.org)
108 points by dedalus 11 months ago | 53 comments
18. Autogen: Enable next-gen large language model applications (github.com/microsoft)
163 points by infruset 11 months ago | 54 comments
19. Higher quality random floats (corsix.org)
116 points by ingve 11 months ago | 44 comments
20. USB-C head-to-head comparison (lumafield.com)
389 points by eucalyptuseye 11 months ago | 218 comments
21. ArgoCon – Vendor-neutral Argo-focused Event (akuity.io)
49 points by donutshop 11 months ago | 15 comments
22. Standardizing next-generation narrow precision data formats for AI (opencompute.org)
103 points by opcode84 11 months ago | 52 comments
23. The Long Boom: A History of the Future, 1980–2020 (1997) (wired.com)
80 points by solomonb 11 months ago | 50 comments
24. Why Card Catalogs Matter (2017) (smithsonianmag.com)
66 points by Tomte 11 months ago | 19 comments
25. C++ Modules: Packaging Story (conan.io)
133 points by ibobev 11 months ago | 101 comments
26. New pill helps Covid smell and taste loss fade quickly (nature.com)
245 points by EA-3167 11 months ago | 143 comments
27. Sweden reports damage to Baltic Sea cable with Estonia (dw.com)
232 points by perihelions 11 months ago | 187 comments
28. Levity and gravity (nature.com)
50 points by saikatsg 11 months ago | 2 comments
29. gRPC request context which caries values across microservice boundaries (github.com/konigsoftware)
61 points by reidbuzby 11 months ago | 45 comments
30. Reconfigurable transistors for more efficient AI on-device classification (northwestern.edu)
36 points by rbanffy 11 months ago | 8 comments

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