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Stories from August 5, 2016
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1. Hello from Orkut (orkut.com)
643 points by shardul111 on Aug 5, 2016 | 323 comments
2. Mozilla Awards $585k to Nine Open Source Projects (blog.mozilla.org)
441 points by kibwen on Aug 5, 2016 | 140 comments
3. Let's Encrypt root certificate trusted by Mozilla (bugzilla.mozilla.org)
459 points by _jomo on Aug 5, 2016 | 160 comments
4. Ask HN: How do you get notified about newest research papers in your field?
406 points by warriorkitty on Aug 5, 2016 | 135 comments
5. The Linux kernel hidden inside Windows 10 (github.com/ionescu007)
333 points by eDameXxX on Aug 5, 2016 | 163 comments
6. Praise for Intelligence Can Undermine Children's Motivation (1998) [pdf] (stanford.edu)
253 points by EvgeniyZh on Aug 5, 2016 | 155 comments
7. Apple announces bug bounty program (techcrunch.com)
344 points by nos4A2 on Aug 4, 2016 | 92 comments
8. MIT and DARPA Pack Lidar Sensor onto Single Chip (ieee.org)
261 points by Osiris30 on Aug 5, 2016 | 59 comments
9. Why We Moved from Amazon Web Services to Google Cloud Platform (lugassy.net)
361 points by jganetsk on Aug 5, 2016 | 246 comments
10. What are Bloom filters? (2015) (medium.com/the-story)
202 points by trumbitta2 on Aug 5, 2016 | 69 comments
11. Can NAT traversal be Tor's killer feature? (2014) (gist.github.com)
117 points by networked on Aug 5, 2016 | 22 comments
12. A molecule called ‘Sandman’ could help solve the ‘mystery of sleep’ (washingtonpost.com)
133 points by chriskanan on Aug 5, 2016 | 62 comments
13. Amazon launches Prime Air, its own dedicated cargo planes to speed delivery (techcrunch.com)
277 points by lxm on Aug 5, 2016 | 179 comments
14. Torrentz Shuts Down, Largest Torrent Meta-Search Engine Says Farewell (torrentfreak.com)
385 points by dacm on Aug 5, 2016 | 312 comments
15. Test flight held for small jet modeled after Miyazaki anime (mainichi.jp)
242 points by sjreese on Aug 5, 2016 | 69 comments
16. Who’s the First Person in History Whose Name We Know? (2015) (nationalgeographic.com)
180 points by rfreytag on Aug 4, 2016 | 130 comments
17. An Isolated Tribe Emerges from the Rain Forest (newyorker.com)
87 points by gk1 on Aug 5, 2016 | 15 comments
18. Show HN: Book about writing web apps in Go without a framework (github.com/thewhitetulip)
158 points by thewhitetulip on Aug 5, 2016 | 57 comments
19. Xen exploitation part 3: XSA-182, Qubes escape (quarkslab.com)
81 points by sprin on Aug 5, 2016 | 5 comments
20. HEIST: HTTP Encrypted Information Can Be Stolen Through TCP-Windows [pdf] (tom.vg)
129 points by jerf on Aug 4, 2016 | 59 comments
21. Show HN: PyHN - Hacker news client for command line (python.org)
79 points by Socketubs on Aug 5, 2016 | 18 comments
22. The Real Value of $100 in Each US State (taxfoundation.org)
229 points by nreece on Aug 5, 2016 | 206 comments
23. Find a new city (austinkleon.com)
233 points by mantesso on Aug 5, 2016 | 188 comments
24. Resurrecting the Flower Crowns of Old Ukrainian Wedding Photos (atlasobscura.com)
64 points by lermontov on Aug 4, 2016 | 54 comments
25. Understanding gradient descent (thegreenplace.net)
126 points by ingve on Aug 5, 2016 | 30 comments
26. Hitchhiker trees: functional, persistent, off-heap sorted maps (github.com/datacrypt-project)
150 points by hadronzoo on Aug 5, 2016 | 32 comments
27. Brasília at Midnight (evenmagazine.com)
54 points by Petiver on Aug 2, 2016 | 74 comments
28. Demystifying the Secure Enclave Processor [pdf] (blackhat.com)
124 points by taocp on Aug 5, 2016 | 32 comments
29. Moving to GitLab: Yes, it's worth it (about.gitlab.com)
292 points by brodock on Aug 5, 2016 | 346 comments
30. FTC to Crack Down on Paid Celebrity Posts That Aren’t Clear Ads (bloomberg.com)
132 points by lnguyen on Aug 5, 2016 | 110 comments

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