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Stories from April 10, 2024
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1. Yes, social media is a cause of the epidemic of teenage mental illness (afterbabel.com)
1164 points by throwup238 83 days ago | 1164 comments
2. U.S. imposes first-ever national drinking water limits on PFAS (apnews.com)
631 points by geox 82 days ago | 427 comments
3. Show HN: Sonauto – A more controllable AI music creator (sonauto.ai)
454 points by zaptrem 82 days ago | 236 comments
4. 2023 ACM Turing Prize awarded to Avi Wigderson (acm.org)
297 points by nanna 82 days ago | 73 comments
5. Show HN: ADS-B visualizer (adsb.exposed)
339 points by zX41ZdbW 82 days ago | 77 comments
6. Show HN: We built PriceLevel to find out what companies pay for SaaS (pricelevel.com)
532 points by cluo21 83 days ago | 176 comments
7. Code search is hard (val.town)
302 points by stevekrouse 82 days ago | 159 comments
8. Implementation of Google's Griffin Architecture – RNN LLM (github.com/google-deepmind)
218 points by milliondreams 82 days ago | 38 comments
9. Libgourou: A Free Implementation of Adobe's Adept DRM on ePub/PDF Files (soutade.fr)
221 points by gorky1 82 days ago | 71 comments
10. Double-entry bookkeeping as a directed graph (matheusportela.com)
541 points by mportela 82 days ago | 375 comments
11. How does the classic Win32 ListView handle incremental searching? (microsoft.com)
202 points by AndrewDucker 84 days ago | 130 comments
12. Bay Area workers charged for building secret apartments inside train stations (therealdeal.com)
351 points by blackhawkC17 84 days ago | 198 comments
13. Kobo announces color e-readers (theverge.com)
396 points by lxm 82 days ago | 205 comments
14. Why does part of the Windows 98 Setup program look older than the rest? (2020) (retrocomputing.stackexchange.com)
316 points by xeeeeeeeeeeenu 83 days ago | 245 comments
15. Deep Bug (marginalia.nu)
218 points by marginalia_nu 82 days ago | 68 comments
16. Lens sort, a masked pixel sort glitch effect (github.com/bernardzhao)
123 points by pyinstallwoes 82 days ago | 20 comments
17. Stalwart mail server (self-hosted all-in-one mail server) now as an admin webui (stalw.art)
214 points by clemiclemen 83 days ago | 67 comments
18. How deep does life go? (mitpress.mit.edu)
154 points by Hooke 84 days ago | 40 comments
19. Nimble: A new columnar file format by Meta [video] (youtube.com)
121 points by aduffy 82 days ago | 30 comments
20. Udio: Generate music in your favorite styles with a text prompt (twitter.com/udiomusic)
234 points by gk1 82 days ago | 121 comments
21. Show HN: QWANJI (byronicalpatrick.github.io)
174 points by byronical 85 days ago | 61 comments
22. The Alice and Bob After Dinner Speech (1984) (urbigenous.net)
107 points by ColinWright 83 days ago | 20 comments
23. Meta MTIA v2 – Meta Training and Inference Accelerator (meta.com)
189 points by _yo2u 82 days ago | 60 comments
24. The World of Instruction Manuals (2018) (bbc.com)
59 points by related 83 days ago | 11 comments
25. Ways of Seeing: Nicholson Baker learns to draw (bookforum.com)
110 points by benbreen 83 days ago | 33 comments
26. Intel's ambitious Meteor Lake iGPU (chipsandcheese.com)
145 points by ingve 84 days ago | 73 comments
27. Transformer as a general purpose computer (jvoderho.com)
148 points by tosh 84 days ago | 43 comments
28. A 2-Axis, Multihead Light Positioner (bunniestudios.com)
93 points by etiam 84 days ago | 15 comments
29. A science fiction obsession led me to psychological war (buttondown.email/thehypothesis)
180 points by MaysonL 83 days ago | 96 comments
30. Mistral AI Launches New 8x22B MOE Model (twitter.com/mistralai)
379 points by varunvummadi 83 days ago | 153 comments

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