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Stories from August 5, 2024
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1. Andy Warhol's lost Amiga art found (homeip.net)
496 points by todsacerdoti 46 days ago | 219 comments
2. Uncovered Euripides fragments are 'kind of a big deal' (colorado.edu)
276 points by caf 47 days ago | 90 comments
3. Google loses antitrust suit over search deals on phones (bloomberg.com)
959 points by rvz 46 days ago | 731 comments
4. Launch HN: Airhart Aeronautics (YC S22) – A modern personal airplane
738 points by n_ermosh 46 days ago | 618 comments
5. Starting Hospice (jakeseliger.com)
1209 points by jdkee 47 days ago | 145 comments
6. Show HN: Free e-book about WebGPU Programming (shi-yan.github.io)
471 points by billconan 47 days ago | 73 comments
7. A new type of neural network is more interpretable (ieee.org)
337 points by pseudolus 46 days ago | 86 comments
8. A cryptographically secure bootloader for RISC-V in Rust (codethink.co.uk)
189 points by fork-bomber 46 days ago | 75 comments
9. How Postgres stores data on disk – this one's a page turner (silcock.dev)
556 points by drewsberry 47 days ago | 91 comments
10. Jailbroke my Kindle to use it as an e-ink monitor (gist.github.com)
421 points by adtac 47 days ago | 139 comments
11. Show HN: Iso20022.js – Create payments in 3 lines of code (iso20022js.com)
291 points by svapnil 46 days ago | 125 comments
12. Show HN: Visual A* pathfinding and maze generation in Python (github.com/dicklesworthstone)
135 points by eigenvalue 46 days ago | 38 comments
13. Show HN: Pie Menu – a radial menu for macOS (pie-menu.com)
309 points by hauken 46 days ago | 130 comments
14. WebGL visual programming editor cables.gl is now open source (cables.gl)
272 points by pandur 46 days ago | 40 comments
15. Can we stop the decline of monarch butterflies and other pollinators? (wisfarmer.com)
282 points by speckx 46 days ago | 227 comments
16. Airlines are running out of 4-digit flight numbers (viewfromthewing.com)
282 points by jshprentz 47 days ago | 444 comments
17. Fiber optic drone control beats any RF jammer (forbes.com/sites/davidhambling)
260 points by walterbell 49 days ago | 267 comments
18. Age is a simple, modern and secure file encryption tool, format, and Go library (github.com/filosottile)
289 points by gjvc 47 days ago | 121 comments
19. Debugging a rustc segfault on Illumos (sunshowers.io)
237 points by steveklabnik 46 days ago | 58 comments
20. C++'s `noexcept` can sometimes help or hurt performance (16bpp.net)
100 points by def-pri-pub 46 days ago | 163 comments
21. A primer on the current state of longevity research (owlposting.com)
179 points by abhishaike 47 days ago | 124 comments
22. Replacing Liquid Metal on an Asus Zephyrus G15's CPU (flemesre.github.io)
113 points by geomaturge 46 days ago | 80 comments
23. I was a 20-something dethroned dotcom ceo that went to work at mcdonald's (2000) (archive.org)
293 points by kamphey 46 days ago | 195 comments
24. Qub – a framework for building websites with QBasic (github.com/jamonholmgren)
119 points by bcjordan 47 days ago | 38 comments
25. Building Lego Machines to Destroy Tall Lego Towers (kottke.org)
265 points by dev_tty01 47 days ago | 40 comments
26. Puget Systems' Perspective on Intel CPU Instability Issues (pugetsystems.com)
181 points by layer8 47 days ago | 91 comments
27. Below the Root: A story, a computer game and my lifelong obsession (2015) (stahlmandesign.com)
87 points by olvy0 46 days ago | 30 comments
28. Writing a system call tracer using eBPF (sh4dy.com)
99 points by tim_sw 47 days ago | 2 comments
29. Rosalind Franklin's Methods of Discovery (jstor.org)
66 points by bookofjoe 50 days ago | 5 comments
30. How I Program in 2024 (akkartik.name)
317 points by surprisetalk 47 days ago | 267 comments

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