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Stories from January 5, 2024
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1. An app can be a home-cooked meal (2020) (robinsloan.com)
1051 points by distcs 8 months ago | 288 comments
2. Zeiss's "Holocam" turns glass windows into cameras (digitalcameraworld.com)
585 points by toss1 8 months ago | 242 comments
3. 9 years of Apple text editor solo dev (papereditor.app)
740 points by pimterry 8 months ago | 378 comments
4. Don't pass structs bigger than 16 bytes on AMD64 (gist.github.com)
387 points by todsacerdoti 8 months ago | 142 comments
5. WPA3 Enterprise 192-bit mode at home (smallstep.com)
289 points by tashian 8 months ago | 193 comments
6. Boeing wants FAA to exempt MAX 7 from safety rules to get it in the air (seattletimes.com)
562 points by jmsflknr 8 months ago | 481 comments
7. Hard disk LEDs and noisy machines (blogsystem5.substack.com)
198 points by polyrand 8 months ago | 128 comments
8. CellLVM: A proof-of-concept LLVM to Excel spreadsheet compiler (belkadan.com)
226 points by grungleshnorts 8 months ago | 27 comments
9. Cleaning up my 200GB iCloud with some JavaScript (andykong.org)
338 points by amin 8 months ago | 186 comments
10. Pikchr: A PIC-like markup language for diagrams in technical documentation (pikchr.org)
104 points by thunderbong 8 months ago | 25 comments
11. WebRTC for the Curious (2020) (webrtcforthecurious.com)
205 points by thunderbong 8 months ago | 53 comments
12. Nestflix (nestflix.fun)
428 points by emacsen 8 months ago | 127 comments
13. SIMD in Pure Python (da.vidbuchanan.co.uk)
256 points by dmarto 8 months ago | 21 comments
14. Human sperm cooperate on the competitive pathway to fertilization: study (nautil.us)
168 points by dnetesn 8 months ago | 102 comments
15. We don't need a DAC on the ESP32-S3 (atomic14.substack.com)
155 points by iamflimflam1 8 months ago | 71 comments
16. A simulation of me: fine-tuning an LLM on 240k text messages (edwarddonner.com)
198 points by eddonner 8 months ago | 138 comments
17. P2pcf: P2P WebRTC via Cloudflare Workers (github.com/gfodor)
91 points by rgbrgb 8 months ago | 47 comments
18. A rocket a day keeps the high costs away (1993) (fourmilab.ch)
131 points by joebig 8 months ago | 96 comments
19. SSH-Snake: Automated SSH-Based Network Traversal (github.com/megamansec)
157 points by lozf 8 months ago | 30 comments
20. Dennis Ritchie on the priorities of && || vs. == etc. (1982) (liu.se)
168 points by spc476 8 months ago | 171 comments
21. Learning bimanual mobile manipulation with low-cost whole-body teleoperation (mobile-aloha.github.io)
126 points by tristenharr 8 months ago | 47 comments
22. RR – Railroad Diagram Generator (github.com/guntherrademacher)
112 points by tempodox 8 months ago | 41 comments
23. Apple's classic Pascal poster, remade as a vector image [pdf] (danamania.com)
259 points by alexzeitler 8 months ago | 52 comments
24. Turtles, a Shelly/Zigbee home automation tool in Elixir (joisig.com)
92 points by joisig 8 months ago | 53 comments
25. How Gyms Make Money (2015) (medium.com/bull-market)
132 points by no_kill_i 8 months ago | 215 comments
26. Main-Thread-Scheduling (github.com/astoilkov)
84 points by fagnerbrack 8 months ago | 24 comments
27. Everything will be alright in Iceland (memoirsandrambles.substack.com)
159 points by yakkomajuri 8 months ago | 171 comments
28. A Visit to the Museo Nacional de AntropologĂ­a, Mexico City (2023) (johnhawks.net)
75 points by Caiero 8 months ago | 32 comments
29. Grammar of Ornament (nms.ac.uk)
77 points by lioeters 8 months ago | 24 comments
30. June 30th, 2024, will bring the End of Life (EOL) of CentOS Linux (2023) (redhat.com)
220 points by kristianpaul 8 months ago | 218 comments

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