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Stories from March 1, 2013
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1. The Coolest Experience I Had as an Apple Store Employee (unretrofied.com)
490 points by Gromble on March 1, 2013 | 158 comments
2. Heroku Fucking Console (github.com/tpope)
472 points by eik3_de on March 1, 2013 | 281 comments
3. Establishing secure connection (wellsfargo.com)
472 points by eloisius on March 1, 2013 | 149 comments
4. Why Python, Ruby, and Javascript are Slow (speakerdeck.com)
367 points by jasonostrander on March 1, 2013 | 200 comments
5. Show HN: Tiled Text – a Different Approach to Editing Text (tiledtext.com)
332 points by westoncb on March 1, 2013 | 91 comments
6. How Search Works (google.com)
324 points by vijaydev on March 1, 2013 | 101 comments
7. Ask HN: Who is hiring? (March 2013)
286 points by whoishiring on March 1, 2013 | 360 comments
8. Stripe launches beta in the UK (techcrunch.com)
254 points by whyleyc on March 1, 2013 | 104 comments
9. Clojure 1.5 (groups.google.com)
252 points by llambda on March 1, 2013 | 46 comments
10. Phishing Has Gotten Very Good (schneier.com)
226 points by apawloski on March 1, 2013 | 81 comments
11. Hackathons are bad for you (chinpen.net)
224 points by sayanee on March 1, 2013 | 123 comments
12. Could the ancient Romans have built a digital computer? (hscott.net)
179 points by blueintegral on March 1, 2013 | 143 comments
13. Expected arrival times for Apple products (arrival.io)
178 points by anti-pattern on March 1, 2013 | 118 comments
14. New kernel.org (kernel.org)
173 points by mrnil on March 1, 2013 | 37 comments
15. Why We Switched From Stripe To Balanced (grouptalent.com)
170 points by whather on March 1, 2013 | 68 comments
16. Uncopyright (zenhabits.net)
148 points by _g2lm on March 1, 2013 | 124 comments
17. Programming Languages Are Simply Not Powerful Enough (ivanjovanovic.com)
147 points by dylangs1030 on March 1, 2013 | 139 comments
18. Run sudo -k, set your clock to 01.01.1970, run sudo su and boom you're root (twitter.com/hukl)
139 points by tchap on March 1, 2013 | 71 comments
19. SpaceX Launching Dragon Capsule to Space Station (space.com)
136 points by velodrome on March 1, 2013 | 52 comments
20. Short algorithm, long-range consequences (web.mit.edu)
117 points by interconnector on March 1, 2013 | 24 comments
21. Primeval C: two very early compilers (bell-labs.com)
108 points by tchalla on March 1, 2013 | 33 comments
22. New Java 0-Day Vulnerability Being Exploited in the Wild (thenextweb.com)
101 points by Lightning on March 1, 2013 | 79 comments
23. Vim users: stop using hjkl (vimcasts.org)
93 points by nelstrom on March 1, 2013 | 211 comments
24. Mars Rover Curiosity Has First Big Malfunction (nationalgeographic.com)
90 points by Lightning on March 1, 2013 | 20 comments
25. Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (March 2013)
92 points by whoishiring on March 1, 2013 | 108 comments
26. Canadian government introduces ACTA compliance bill (michaelgeist.ca)
84 points by jhack on March 1, 2013 | 27 comments
27. What to do when your non-technical boss is just plain wrong (articulateventures.com)
81 points by arrogantrobot on March 1, 2013 | 57 comments
28. Ephemeral third ring of radiation makes appearance around Earth (nature.com)
77 points by youngerdryas on March 1, 2013 | 3 comments
29. BLZ: A data format leveraging the hierarchical memory model (continuum.io)
76 points by hogu on March 1, 2013 | 18 comments
30. HTTP+JSON Services in Modern Java (airbnb.com)
76 points by AirbnbNerds on March 1, 2013 | 17 comments

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