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This is an awesome overview and if you want more, most of those are documented in an approachable way on YouTube.

Just wanted to provide some perspective here on how many things those projects need to take care of in order to get some training setup going.

I'm the developer behind TMInterface [1] mentioned in this post, which is a TAS tool for the older TrackMania game (Nations Forever). For Linesight (last project in this post), I recently ended up working with its developers to provide them the APIs they need to access from the game. There's a lot of things RL projects usually want to do: speed up the game (one of the most important), deterministically control the vehicle, get simulation information, navigate menus, skip cut scenes, make save states, capture screenshots etc. Having each of those things implemented natively greatly impacts the stability and performance of training/inference in a RL agent, e.g. for the latest version the project uses a direct capture of the surface that's rendered to the game window, instead of using an external Python library (DxCam). This is faster, doesn't require any additional setup and also allows for training even if the game window is completely occluded by other windows.

There are also many other smaller annoying things: many games throttle FPS if the window is unfocused which is also the case here, and the tool patches out this behaviour for the project, and there's a lot more things like this. The newest release of Linesight V3 [2] can reliably approach world records and it's being trained & experimented with by quite a few people. The developers made it easy to setup and documented a lot of the process [3].

[1] https://donadigo.com/tminterface/

[2] https://youtu.be/cUojVsCJ51I

[3] https://linesight-rl.github.io/linesight/build/html/

I have been using this in a CI pipeline to maintain a business-critical PDF generation (healthcare) app (started circa 2010 I think), here is the RSpec helpers I'm using:


The code contains git-stored reference PDFs, and the test suite re-generate them and assert that nothing has changed.

Helped a lot to audit visual changes, or PDF library upgrades!

Now there are three "newish" Markdown / PWA / Note apps that I am aware of:

- Silverbullet.md (https://silverbullet.md)

- Eidos (https://eidos.space/)

- and this ofc (https://edna.arslexis.io/)

Is someone aware of more of these?

I am liking all of them and they seem to have different perspectives, goals and philosophies.

Sadly none of them have a quick capture experience on android that I am satisfied with...

Yes, it's me. I did my networking work at Ford Aerospace in the early 1980s. But I left in 1986. It still bothers me that the Nagle algorithm (which I called tinygram prevention) and delayed ACKs interact so badly.

That fixed 200ms ACK delay timer was a horrible mistake. Why 200ms? Human reaction time. That idea was borrowed from X.25 interface devices, where it was called an "accumulation timer". The Berkeley guys were trying to reduce Telnet overhead, because they had thousands of students using time-sharing systems from remote dumb terminals run through Telnet gateways. So they put in a quick fix specific to that problem. That's the only short fixed timer in TCP; everything else is geared to some computed measure such as round trip time.

Today, I'd just turn off ACK delay. ACKs are tiny and don't use much bandwidth, nobody uses Telnet any more, and most traffic is much heavier in one direction than the other. The case in which ACK delay helps is rare today. An RPC system making many short query/response calls might benefit from it; that's about it. A smarter algorithm in TCP might turn on ACK delay if it notices it's sending a lot of ACKs which could have been piggybacked on the next packet, but having it on all the time is no longer a good thing.

If you turn off the Nagle algorithm and then rapidly send single bytes to a socket, each byte will go out as a separate packet. This can increase traffic by an order of magnitude or two, with throughput declining accordingly. If you turn off delayed ACKs, traffic in the less-busy direction may go up slightly. That's why it's better to turn off delayed ACKs, if that's available.

One of the few legit cases for turning off the Nagle algorithm is for a FPS game running over the net. There, one-way latency matters; getting your shots and moves to the server before the other players affects gameplay. For almost everything else, it's round-trip time that matters, not one-way.

I can't theorize on the 'Why' part of your question, but there are ways around using Android Studio IDE to make Android builds without gradle build system.

If you want to learn exactly how the APK/AAB is built and compiled, here are some resources I used to learn:

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59504840/create-jni-ndk-...

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69566622/android-build-w...

- https://github.com/HemanthJabalpuri/AndroidExplorer/blob/mas...

- https://developer.android.com/tools

Some of the links haven't aged too well, but it's a starting point for learning how things work under the "Android Studio" / "gradle" hood.

This rabbit hole is a waste of time, as someone who's been down it, you'll find piles of resources claiming CSS and JS flags will give you what you want but it never really gets there.

The only way to actually get true aliased brushes in canvas is implementing a line drawing algorithm manually and drawing down aliased circles like how https://gifpaint.com/ & https://jspaint.app/ do it.

An immediate visual representation, at that. HMR at best offers a pale shadow of the feedback loop Excel users get for free.

The only direct dependency is imagemagick; the rest are pulled in by that; here's a breakdown:

Common build-time requirements:

- bash

- m4

- libtool

Image decoding libraries:

- libpng

- jbig2decjpeg-turbo

- libtiff

- openjpeg

- ghostscript

- giflib

- openexr

- webp

- jpeg-xl

- aom

- libde265

- x265

- libheif

- libraw

Image manipulation:

- imagemagick

- liblqr

- little-cms2

Font-rendering (needed to display vector formats):

- freetype

- fontconfig

General purpose and/or math libraries:

- glib

- libomp

- imath

- highway

This leaves the following:

- brotli : a compression library; I suspect some image format uses it.

- libidn : probably a deep dependency, command line tools ought not be doing domain-name lookups

- libvmaf : A video related library; probably a dependency of one of the video-codec based image libraries?

- shared-mime-info : figure out what file type a file is

- jasper : found a few possibilities for what this is; I don't use homebrew so don't know how to resolve a brew name to an OSS project


Is a great find and replace plugin for your repo.

so is quick fix list + `:cdo s//gc | :cdo update`

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