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This looks really nice. I did a three.js CAD tool [1] for a client during this last year and really wanted to use something like this, but ended up building something custom.

The main thing I knew I wanted was a declarative specification of the objects in our scene. I knew it would be a nightmare to fiddle around with manually adding and removing bits of the scenegraph in response to input.

Ended up just doing diffs on the part of the Redux state that mapped to the scene, and automatically discarding and re-running the mesh construction code for the parts of the state that changed.

It actually worked well enough and didn't cause any problems I noticed (in terms of convenience of use and performance), but I wouldn't want to re-write it for each project that could use it.

One thing I do wonder about with this though is whether there's really a benefit to using the tag language to specify three.js objects. For folks already familiar with the three.js library it's going to be a nuisance to use the tag language instead, and it doesn't appear to me to be more concise or convenient in any way. But maybe I just feel that way because I've been writing js to construct three.js objects for years :)

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e21tqZebl60

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