I'm still holding out for something that can monitor my bank account and automatically register transactions instead of me having to manually enter them. https://maybe.co/ is working on a solution for American banks.
I understand that Europeans already have protocols in place for this sort of thing. Why must the EU always get the nice things?
I also have largely abandoned attempts to "force" myself to sleep after years of insomnia. It results in some tired days, which in turn has resulted in some problems with consuming too much caffeine. But it's largely better for my mental health, I think, to simply get up and find some way to occupy myself until I actually feel tired. The alternative, trying to force myself to sleep when I don't feel tired, with mounting anxiety about getting too little sleep, simply doesn't have any upside.
Evolutionarily, insomnia makes sense in the context of a tribe, where it's useful to have people up and about, watching for danger. But in the modern day with synchronized workplaces, we've seemingly decided that not waking up early verges on a moral failing. "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise," is just the beginning. Showing up late to work is looked down upon, but staying at work late is underappreciated, in my experience. Being on the east coast is a surprising benefit when working with West Coast clients because it creates the impression that I'm getting more done simply because of time zones. There's something deeply ingrained in US culture going on here that I'm not sure I understand the full extent of.
This is generally considered one of the most well written games of all time. The developers wwre writers, who wanted to have a go at multimedia. This would be their only game.
We regularly talk about it on /r/adventuregames!
I also highly recommend I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Similarly psychological horror, excellent writing. Brilliantly voiced by its author.
Both among a small handful of games that have made me cry.
If going with client-side CSS rendering, I'd also play with CSS filter functions like contrast. The OSM tiles have always looked too low on contrast for me and thus difficult to read. Making them grayscale makes it worse.
The article gave me a deja-vu about the no-code wave a few years back and an excellent article I read on the subject [1]
> The logic doesn’t go away. Just because a decision is embedded into the wiring of a Zapier rule doesn’t remove any of the burden of maintenance / correctness.
Of course, AI is a lot more powerful than no-code, but the "End of Programming" suffers from the same delusion. If AI can reliably make every decision around engineering, design, and product, it would be capable of doing every task in the world. It's surprising that so many engineers believe writing things in plain text would obviate the need to learn programming.
I’ve been using a software solution for this for over a decade. It’s called Synergy (https://symless.com/synergy) and it is fast - switches instantly over wifi and also works across Windows/Mac/Linux.
Why is it scummy? Hiring people to produce goods or services and compensating them based on the value of their knowledge and abilities is sort of the entire value pitch of capitalism, and it's unlikely anyone would have moved over to Apple if the compensation wasn't more worthwhile to them.
Super cool that it includes high(ish)-resolution buildings! Folks interested in using this data may also be interested in OpenTopography[0], which is a repository of topographical datasets (some very high resolution) with possibly more friendly licensing terms. I used some data from them to make a physical topographic map of a mountain peak. The tooling is a little opaque from a newcomer's standpoint, so I wrote up a quick howto[1]. In short you go from GeoTIFF to an STL surface with phstl, then extrude into a volume using Meshmixer (could use something else).
There are a bajillion local SD pipelines, but this one is, by far, the one with the highest quality output out-of-the-box, with short prompts. Its remarkable.
And thats because it integrates a bajillion SDXL augmentations that other UIs do not implement or enable by default. I've been using stable diffusion since 1.5 came out, and even having followed the space extensively, setting up an equivalent pipeline in ComfyUI (much less diffusers) would be a pain. Its like a "greatest hits and best defaults" for SDXL.
> Why unify information theory and machine learning? Because they are
two sides of the same coin. In the 1960s, a single field, cybernetics, was
populated by information theorists, computer scientists, and neuroscientists,
all studying common problems. Information theory and machine learning still
belong together. Brains are the ultimate compression and communication
systems. And the state-of-the-art algorithms for both data compression and
error-correcting codes use the same tools as machine learning.
* In compression, gzip is predicting the next character. The model's prior is "contiguous characters will likely recur". This prior holds well for English text, but not for h264 data.
* In ML, learning a model is compressing the training data into a model + parameters.
It's not a damning indictment that current AI is just compression. What's damning is our belief that compression is a simpler/weaker problem.
Various debt has different "interest rates" and the skill is to pay off the high interest ones as the expense of 0-rate ones.
I have a closet in the basement where when I did the vinyl plank floor, I ran out so the planks don't quite go to the back of the closet all the way. Problem? Yes? A bit ugly? Yes. But in reality the problem is 100% of the time covered by boxes and anyway I can live a happy life in this house for decades and not be affected. That's 0% tech debt.
On the other hand if my gutters are clogged, there's interest on that because the longer I wait the costlier it will be to deal with since clogged gutters can lead to basement leaks or gutters themselves detaching. Or, if my stoop is broken, that's not just an eye sore but I keep tripping on it, the faster I fix it the sooner I stop tripping. That's a high-interest debt that should be fixed asap.
In engineering, a high-rate debt could be some architectural thing that slows down the development of every single feature. You want to quickly pause features to pay this down so everything can move faster. On the other hand, some file that you never touch having some shitty code or lots of TODOs may be a very low interest debt since in practice you never touch it or are otherwise not bothered by it other than knowing that it's ugly - like my closet floor.
Engineers make two mistakes around this - fixing zero-interest debt when there's more important things to do on one hand. On the other hand, when they say "oh, product management/leadership didn't sponsor our tech debt fixing" - it's often because we fail to articulate the real cost of that problem - explaining that it's high rate and how it's costing you.
I'm not sure about this. On one hand the idea sounds good on the other it raises lots of questions. For example, who will decide who is a "worthy load bearer"? Then once people are funded who will manage their workloads?
Also, I'm dubious the whole thing is actually needed in the first place. No examples of "load bearers needing funding" were given. DNS was mentioned, but what part of it exactly? Root TLDs are doing pretty well financially from what I heard by selling all the sub domains in their TLDs, so what are we talking about exactly reverse DNS? Things like .org or edu? These are funded by governments.
Network wise we have telcos paying for sub sea cables, Internet exchanges like the one in London are self funded (by connection fees). Routing is managed by same telcos and IXs.
What are these individual "Internet Load Bearers" that keep the entire Internet afloat without making a dime from it? Usenet admins? I might have paid to keep Usenet alive, but Google bought it all, didn't they?
This doesn’t appear to support rich text formatting ranges like bold, italic, etc - unless I’m missing something in the API. AFAIK Peritext is still the state of the art in rich text CRDT algorithms https://www.inkandswitch.com/peritext/
I’d love to see this build the rich text stuff from the Peritext algorithm.
I'm looking into client-side syntax highlighting as well at the moment and lezer popped up: https://lezer.codemirror.net/. It's directly based on tree-sitter but tailored to be more web friendly (and written by the same author as codemirror) - https://marijnhaverbeke.nl/blog/lezer.html
oimo.io has a lot of really cool, often interactive, often 3D tech demos. Their recursive Conway's Game of Life was featured on HN before: https://oimo.io/works/life/
Or, it's super easy to roll your own using letsencrypt.
1. Buy your own public domain (such as companyname.dev)
2. Setup a LetsEncrypt wildcard certificate with DNS validation
3. Update your /etc/hosts to something like ` companyname.dev`
We have this working with multiple developers, each renewing their certificates themselves. Works great, it's simple, and don't need to trust an extra third party.
> I think a lot of techie types might not realize what an engineering marvel a mechanical watch movement is. I'm sure you all realize there are a lot of teeny tiny gears.
For those who want to learn more about it, this is an awesome interactive explanation of the functioning of mechanical watches:
One of those web pages which deserves an award. Some place in some kind of Internet Hall of Fame, an historical archive which shows the only best highlights of what websites were actually capable of presenting. Milestones of web development.
This page summarizes pretty good what web technology is capable of, when in the hands of a real professional.
Ok, I just realized this is from Bartosz Ciechanowski, and this reminded me of the Cameras and Lenses [1] article which I've seen recently. It was the same kind of quality.
While I sympathize with the avoidance of "clever" code, it's worth pointing out that there is an opposite direction: don't re-implement standard abstractions.
There are many standard abstractions that it is safe to assume that literally everyone qualified to touch code will know. If they don't, your priority should be either replacing them teaching them, not replacing the code.
Different languages and paradigms have different examples of such abstractions, but a trivial example is loops:
while(i < itt.length)
x = itt[i]
i = i + 1
x = itt[i]
foreach(x in itt)
There is a decreasing amount of mental overhead in reading each one of those, because I know what a foreach loop does, and I don't need to be on the lookout for strange behavior.
IMO, Go overcorrects on the "don't get clever" ideology to the point of needlessly increasing the amount of mental overhead required to read some code. The entire language was designed to solve a problem that should have been solved at the hiring level.
I understand that Europeans already have protocols in place for this sort of thing. Why must the EU always get the nice things?