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Richard Scolyer, first patient for a Glioblastoma vaccine, is 10 months in and counting. (I'm not sure if it's mRNA based.) The treatment was vaccine, followed by surgery to remove the tumour, followed by more vaccine to prevent recurrence. The vaccine course is up to 8 out of 10 planned doses. So far it hasn't come back.



"The awesome unstoppable terribleness that is Postel's Law."

Eloquence for the ages.

Comments moved to https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33083413.

Edit: I've been told that this article is the better one so am going to merge the thread hither.

Then so was Ethereum, yet they seem to be off the hook. And they are also moving to a distribution model where the owners gets to mint and sell too.

Thus far, it was said that it was sufficiently long ago for the initial distribution to not matter anymore. But all that is true for Ripple, too.

Not to defend Ripple or any one else project, but a casual observer could be forgiven to suspect more things have happened behind the scenes than what is being communicated.

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