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created:June 8, 2010
about:When people tell me that the computers of today are better than the ones I started on, I remember that APL\SV never crashed, and considering the Personal Computers of the era, I ask them "How often did WordStar crash for you?" And if it did crash, you could fire it right back up by executing your favorite zero-length .COM file and save out a copy of your work for comparison with its autosave file. The computers of today are faster, but the quality of the software has declined considerably as people have concentrated on implementing flashy interfaces over solid functionality.

I have worn many hats during my career, but they all have these things in common: 1. You have to ship/deliver when you say you will. 2. You can't ignore customers' needs, and this includes fixing their problems. 3. If you leave a mess, someone is going to have to clean it up - of course, it's best not to leave a mess in the first place, but do document what you've done so the next guy will have an easier time of it.

I am the sole inventor of a patent in the field of networking.

Hobbies: Amateur ("ham") radio, weather spotting ("is that cloud rotating?" "is the wind above 58MPH?" "are there any hailstones coming down that are 1 inch in diameter or greater?" => call it in!), playing music by ear, woodworking, and photography: chemical, mixed-media, and digital.

I have worked for a wide variety of companies in and out of Silicon Valley, as well as the (US) Federal government and some universities. I currently work for a Fortune 500 firm near the center of the country - please wave as you fly over.

e-mail: bandy@beals.org
