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This is a step beyond that. I'm not even doing releases; I've been pasting the changes into the running server's repl.

BTW, the urls of the ask-yc items are a bug. Will fix.

Edit: Should be fixed. I replaced

  (link (ellipsize (s 'title) 50) (s 'url))

  (link (ellipsize (s 'title) 50)
        (if (empty (s 'url)) (item-url s) (s 'url)))

pg, I think the current implementation has a problem. Most of the time, "on:" links go to NYC comment pages, but when the comments were done replying to the posted article (and not to other comments), "on:" links go directly to the posted article / website. I think all links should go to the comment pages always, to keep the "on:" behavior coherent.

Thanks a lot for implementing this feature, that was fast!

Edit: this happens only on the "threads" page I think.

I think that's a feature. It's pg's call as to which way is better, but right now it behaves like hystry did and how I prefer it.

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