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"I'm 22 and I feel if I don't hit it big within the next 2 years I probably won't. "

I'm not sure what you want to achieve but in general the real world is not that strict. You are stuffing your ambitions into a tiny box and for no good reason. I would advice you figure out where you want to be in the next 20 years. This will give you a far larger scope for your thoughts.

Old people are not junk, if they keep their mental and physical faculties.

Name me one person older than 24 who's achieved great things. You can't, can you?


EDIT: Someone replied with an interesting link but deleted the comment: http://fundersandfounders.com/too-late-to-start-life-crisis/

What a junk comment. Get yourself a culture. This is the kind of BS people say when they mistake marketing with reality. Scratching the surface of western propaganda will teach you that beyond the "Mark Zuckerberg" effect there is an army of bright professionals who have revolutionized their field or industry with hard work, uncommon skills and (most of all) a consistent attitude OVER THE YEARS. At 24, in most cases, you are barely mature enough to actually START having the kind of consistency required to make great things.

The "/s" means he's being sarcastic...

I tried to use sarcasm to point out how absurd the original statement was. I thought putting the "/s" was making it too obvious. Sometimes it backfires though. Oh well, c'est la vie.

Text is a very dangerous format.

If I recall, Jesus was about 33... sorry, not that sort of evangelism?

I don't think their plans involved being literally crucified.

Well, Einstein did bugger-all for a quarter century, and all he could come up with at 26 was four short inconsequential papers that together wouldn't have merited extra postage on the envelope.

All depends on what you call a "great thing".

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